I will preface this by saying I hate conflict but I was pissed. After literally driving around for 20 min looking for a parking spot at a small mall with alot of people this girl pulls into the park I had been waiting with turn signal on for. She got there after I did so she knew I was waiting. So after she comes walking by I said "I know that you saw me waiting here for that spot and that was really rude of you." She said "Well I figured you would just get the next spot." Umm yeah no, I was here before you were and I was waiting for that spot.
After a few bit*ches were exchanged and a challenge from her to step out of the car-while informing me 5-O was right there, she ends with "You just shop here, I actually work here." WTF does that even mean? I couldn't think of any snappy comebacks after that though. I find it funny that security came over after she walked away, like they were waiting to see if anything would actually happen and then pop some corn. I hate Christmas time.
Re: Almost got in a fight at the mall yesterday.
that's one rude employee. I would have told the store manager. When I worked at a store we had to park in the way back of the parking lot to make room for the actual shoppers.
WHAT! People are so stupid, especially around Christmas. I SCREAMED at a man last year around Christmas who stole my spot when I was very pregnant. He ignored me, so I continued to yell, "I KNOW YOU HEAR ME! YOU'RE AN F-ING IDIOT! MERRY CHRISTMAS!" hahah
Yeah, so much for the Christmas spirit and all! Sorry that girl sucked!
BTW, I would've told her that if I didn't shop there, she wouldn't have a job and work there.
i HATE trying to park at the mall...esp. during holiday time! IT is crazy and people act like idiots just to get a space!
Yeah that was one of the comebacks I had in my head 15 min. later!
I always think of the comebacks too late!
A childhood friend's dad actually slashed someone's tires after they did that to him. Luckily, that was one shopping trip I happened to NOT go on :-/
I would have followed her to her job and reported her "customer service" to her manager. When I worked retail, I had to trek from the far end of the parking lot so the customers could park up front.
And since when did "I work here" become an excuse to be a beeyotch?