

omg Hope!!  Congrats!  I guess I missed your bfp announcement.  you must be thrilled.  im very happy for you.  here's to a happy and healthy 9 months.

 i have to say, as soon as i read your post below i though, it's a boy. not sure where that came from or what it means, i guess time will tell.

anyway, as for the boob issue, my pregnancies were completely different (and both totally healthy).  with gianna my boobs were big and round like boob job boobs), with allie they were lopsided and really just not cute.  i think your body is just different the second time in the way it deals with the hormones.  obviously i have no idea what im talking about ; ).

Re: VTGirl

  • Thank you so much! I would have posted it on facebook, but it is so darn early! I am still overthinking things, but I guess at this point last time I didn't even know I was pg yet, so it is funny how I am now about things! My mom said boy as well, but right away I thought another girl. Either way I don't care and I think I have convinced DH not to find out, so it will be a big surprise in August! :) Thanks for your experiences, it helps to read what otehr ladies went through!  Lets try to get together sometime soon ok! :)
    *Corrina born August 30, 2006* *Kaya born August 6, 2009* brimageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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