Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Dear DH,

I told you to wake me up this morning, so i could run to Wally World or somewhere and get a little food for the house... there is none. So instead of waking me up you say as you go out the door that your leaving me money. $8 effing dollars to be exact, so that i can order something. Except the only things around me have and $8 minimum delivery, and a delivery charge which i can't cover. Yes i Know i could walk to subway, carrying a 16 pound baby with an arm that is still healing, because YOU never brought in the stroller like i asked you to do 2 weeks ago, not to mention it is fing freezing you dumb ass, and i am already fighting off pneumonia thanks to my father. Yes i realize you went into work for me yesterday, for 4 hours.  but seriously you could only spare the $8 when i know you have way more than that you ***. 

love your wife who will probaby be starving until tommorrow 

Re: Dear DH,

  • Some places let you give a debit or credit card number - I know Pizza Hut and Papa John's can do that. Do either of them deliver to you?
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