Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Fruit in a can?

DD is really getting tired of baby foods, we do finger foods here and there.. But anyways she loves fruit, so i bought canned pears,peaches with no added sugar.  Loved it is this okay to do?  I want to buy fresh fruit but how would you keep it "good"?

Re: Fruit in a can?

  • For dd I buy fresh pears, bananas, raspberries and blueberries. I buy canned peach because dole makes it in 100% fruit juice. I stay away from all the other canned fruits because they are either in high fructose corn syrup or artificial sweetener.
  • I do use canned peaches and pears.  I buy the light kind that uses only natural fruit juice instead of the corn syrup.  It is quick and of course lasts in the fridge so no waste.  We also eat a lot of fresh bananas.
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  • i buy the pears and peaches

    i found them in their own natural juices. ... basically the same thing that i pay an arm and a leg for by Gerber

    as long as they arent in a syrup and dont have a lot of additives they are fine :)

    we also use a lot of frozen organic blueberries.  Just thaw them and you are good to go ..just be prepared for a purple mess!!

  • I understand the value of buying fresh fruits- but I don't have the time or energy to freeze everything. Canned saves so much time. I only buy the no sugar added stuff and DS loves it. When you think about it- it's no different from Gerber purees: they are both "canned".
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