Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Fever: when do you take to pedi.?

DD has been running a fever since late yesterday afternoon.  It has been managed with Tylenol and Motrin.  The highest it was is 102.7 this morning.  I was told by the dr. to wait until she had a fever 24 hours before bringing her in and the two times I did take her in less than 24 hours, it either went away (viral) or I ended up back at the dr. 2 days later because it was an ear infection that hadn't shown up the first time.  I figure I will wait until tomorrow maybe afternoon?  That is unless it spikes higher or if I can't control it.  WWYD?

Re: Fever: when do you take to pedi.?

  • anytime DS had a fever i took him in.  It always ended up being his ears, so i was glad to do it and not wait.
  • I agree w/s. Lady take her in, it probably is ear.. The one and only time DD had a fever she had an ear infection.. GL keep us posted..
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  • For babies under 3 months, I think it is any increase in temp 100.4 or higher. Over 3 months, I think they say if it is over 102.2 for 24 hours to call and bring dc in to pedi.  My dd had a fever of 103.5  two weeks ago and I called pedi after 24 hours. I brought dd in and they found nothing-ears, mouth, nose were clear, breathing was good.  We went to the hospital and they did xrays, urine, and bloodwork. All tests came back and they didn't find anything. She had a bad viral infection.  WE just used tylenol and motrin until the fever broke
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  • I will probably either take her tonight or tomorrow morning then, depending on how bad she is feeling.  She is ok most of the time, eating just not as much.  My mom is with her now.  Maybe I will call the dr. and see what they think this afternoon.  DD is sleeping right now after a dose of tylenol.  It could be her ears but when it was that last time the fever was really high 104ish?  And still no sign of an ear infection until day 2 or so. 

    She is teething but I don't think that would cause this high of a fever.  I wish she could just say, mommy my ear(s) hurt!

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