Our guy takes 2x6oz bottles at daycare, plus I nurse him when I pick him up, again at bedtime, once (or twice... ug.) overnight, and when he wakes up. I think he is, what you call, "reverse cycling." Yuck. Just six more weeks until we night wean (and wean from pumping) - HOORAY!
DD will take anywhere between 6-8 oz per bottle, usually 4-5 bottles her day. DD will be 11 months next week and I have already started giving her whole milk. She started last week.
My Ds usually takes anywhere from 18-24 oz/day. It can be a struggle to get him to drink somedays. He is more interested in food. I think I might start whole milk when we run out of formula. I have 3 small cans left. So in about 2 weeks.
From age 9-12 months, pedi suggested 12-18 oz/day.
We phased in whole milk starting at 11 months. We just replaced his afternoon bottle with a sippy of whole milk. At 11.5 months, we replaced his morning bottle with a sippy of water. At 12 months, we will stop bottles & formula all together and give him milk with meals and snacks and water throughout the day.
I have been worried that I may not have been giving her enough formula. She usually takes 3 bottles a day of about 7 ounces...but sometimes she will only have 2 bottles. I also offer her water in a sippy cup at her meals. I think at 11 months I am going to replace her later afternoon bottle with a sippy of milk. I am hoping to wean off bottles completely and just do milk in a sippy. So far she has not had a problem when we have cut out any bottles. The one I think will be the most difficult will be her bedtime bottle. But I bought a sippy that is as similar looking to a bottle as I could find. I would love to have no bottles at one year.
Re: ? for moms of 10 months + (how many ounces)
From age 9-12 months, pedi suggested 12-18 oz/day.
We phased in whole milk starting at 11 months. We just replaced his afternoon bottle with a sippy of whole milk. At 11.5 months, we replaced his morning bottle with a sippy of water. At 12 months, we will stop bottles & formula all together and give him milk with meals and snacks and water throughout the day.