Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Rude Doctor... Question about poop

So yesterday was the first time in six months that I have ever called the doctor outside of normal business hours.  I actually received a call back from one of the other doctors as he was on call.  I was concerned about DS's bowl movements as well as the fact that he seems to be getting flair ups of hives. 

DS is passing bowl movements that are super tiny, very thick... I would say about the size of a quarter.  He passes one maybe once a day.  Since DS was exclusively BF until we started introducing solids a few weeks ago, I found this somewhat alarming.  Basically the doctor acted like I was an idiot.  He was so rude to me.  Something along the lines of... "I am not sure why you are calling.  That is normal."  This is the same doctor that told me to stop giving my son the antibiotics he was prescribed after he had been on them for 3 days.  Weird since everything I read and everyone I spoke to said you are supposed to take antibiotics for the full course and never stop.

Anyways, long story short... is this normal for his bowl movements?    I did not even get a chance to ask the doctor about the hives since I was so caught off guard by his rudeness!!


Re: Rude Doctor... Question about poop

  • I have no idea about the bowel movement thing.  can you call back and get an opinion from another doctor in the practice?

    Personally, I couldn't put up with a doctor being flippant with me.  How are you supposed to know what's normal/what's not when it's your first child?  That's what the doctors are for!

  • Since you have started solids, poops do change. They get thicker and firmer. If you think that your ds is getting constipated try giving prunes. That will help. It will also make for a messy diaper. My dd had problems with constipation when we started solids. I think her system just needed to get used to something besides breastmilk. The rash sounds like it might be a reaction to something he has eaten. I would call your regular pedi back about that.
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  • I would call back about the hives.  As for the poop, DD has had them all, especially since starting solids.  It is a different beast for your childs tummy to handle.  As long as they are easy to pass for DC I wouldn't worry to much about them.
  • I am definitely going to call back today about the hives and talk to our pedi. It just sucks because I like our pedi so much but the other pedi in the practice just sucks.  And it is only the two of them.  It is really making me consider finding a new practice just because I cannot stand this guy.  I could maybe see if I called every other week and had the doctor page about random stuff but considering I have NEVER called before... might be an indication that I am a little worried.  Sorry.  I am still a little bitter about it!!

    As for the poop, I totally understand that things will change.  And actually, his poop did get a little thicker for the first week on solids.  But now it is the consistency of an adult's poop.  Just a lot smaller!!  It just does not strike me as normal. 


  • I agree with the other ones about the poop, and I would call back about the hives.  DD had a bad reaction to Barley, and it came out as hives.

    I'm sorry you had such a bad experience with the Dr. 

  • Lucy's poop looks like an adult could do them sometimes.  Sometimes if I catch her dirty diaper before she sits on it and smooshes it everywhere, it looks just like a big person's poop.

    And sometimes its just little balls of poopy too.  Sometimes it looks like she didn't even digest the green beans, peas or sweet potatoes....

    Solids are fun......... (not so much) 

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  • My dr reminder of the day...he works for YOU.  You are his boss...if an employee treated you like this there would be a discussion so by all means call the clinic manager and complain!  Just because they get to wear a white coat doesn't mean they get to be rude.
  • The Dr sounds rude. If this isn't the first or second time, I'd look into switching. It's better to be safe than sorry and you're a first time mom and need to know things. Parenthood doesn't come with a manual. And you need to feel comfortable contacting the Dr. if you are unsure about something - not guessing if he will scoff at your question.

    Poop does change with solids. We had problems with DS's poop being too hard at times. We learned a couple of things:

    1) Giving food like prunes will increase the FREQUENCY of poop, not the consistancy

    2) Water, juice and the like is the thing that will make poop softer

    3) It is OK and boarding on needed to give DS water or juice once they start solid(er) foods. DS never drank more than a couple of sips in the beginning anyway.

    4) If you BF and had DC on vitamins and then switched to formula, you should probably stop giving DC vitamins. We found out that DS was getting too much iron from the vitamins and formula, so that's why his poop started to be so hard.  

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