Babies: 9 - 12 Months

***POTW Entry Thread***

ALL mommies invited to participate! It's just for fun! Let's see those adorable pics you have been collecting! You know you have thousands of them!

Today's topic: Shamelessly staged photos (you know we all have them!)

Rules: One picture per baby.  Pro pictures are okay but please credit the photographer.  Please do not enter previously entered pictures.  New rule/clarification of old rule b/c of confusion and complaints!!!  Baby must be older than 6 mos at the time of entry.   Newer pictures are always encouraged!  My rule of thumb is to use pictures 3 mos or newer (so if your baby is 7 mos, a picture of baby at 4-7 is good).  The main reason I do this is we are starting to repeat topics a bit and it keeps it fresh.  (If this doesn't make sense e-mail me at  No excessive staging just for this thing please (or I will get complaints).

All rule breakers are subject to a private message... and if they ignore it I just won't count thier votes.

Please make sure they are appropriate and non offensive. 

How to insert a picture:

It is now really easy to enter a picture.  When responding to this post you will go to a new window.  In that window there is a picture of a tree (next to the smiley face).  Click the tree picture and fill out the form.

Or you can simply cut and paste the picture from another website (like shutterfly, your bio, or blogspot etc) on to the screen and resize manually.

If you are old fashion you can still do PIP how you used too.

Mom to Harmon 1/17/08 and twins Rachel & Callum 8/28/09 Photobucket 29o0v13.jpg

Re: ***POTW Entry Thread***

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