Babies: 9 - 12 Months

When are you going to redecorate dc's room?

I'm already tired of his nursery decorations and pour over the pbk catalog when it comes in the mail... Perhaps if all of you say you're redecorating at 1 year, I can convince dh it's okay:)

Seriously, when do you think you'll change it up?

Re: When are you going to redecorate dc's room?

  • I handpainted stripes on her walls so it is being repainted when she goes to college.
  • We're not going to until she needs new furniture and a big girl bed.

    Probably when the next one is on its way. 

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  • I'm hoping to wait till he is in a toddler bed
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  • imagelanie26:

    We're not going to until she needs new furniture and a big girl bed.

    Probably when the next one is on its way. 

    Lanie, there you go again with your crazy talk about another one. :)

  • Ahhh, ok, well we're going to be moving next year. Probably closer to the end of the summer, and I'll want to keep her current decor there. I lub it.
  • Probably when she gets her big girl bed, then I want to get this for her...

  • Never! J/K I slaved over that room when we moved over the summer so she's stuck with it until we move again and then I can start over. Best thing about having a DH in the military, moving every 3-4 years so I get tons of chances to re-decorate
  • My DS's nursery is very small, so we're thinking the next baby will move into the nursery and Parker will move into the larger extra bedroom down the hall.  We're going to start TTC in August, so if all goes well then DS will be about 2 when he gets a new room.
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  • DD's room is currently a gender neutral greenish blue color and her crib sheets, changing table cover, etc are gender neutral pastels so when she is old enough to show interest or pick a theme, we will add new stuff.  I actually found a really cute Disney fairies toddler set that I think would be too cute but seeing as how she couldn't even sit through Tinkerbell last weekend I think we will hold off. 

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  • when she can form an opinion of her bedroom I guess
  • We specifically planned his room to grow with him.  It's got a kick ass mural of the solar system on one wall that I think any boy under the age of 10 would love.  So until he starts protesting, everything is staying put.  The only thing we will do is put a full size bed in there when he's ready for it and I am *coveting* this solar system quilt and accesories from the Land of Nod.  As soon as these puppies go on sale I am buying!
  • In 4 months when we move into my dream home!  We will paint the nursery the same as it is now (neutral colors  & yellow, with teddy bears and stars), but we are preparing his big boy room so if I do ever get pregnant we can start to transition him!

    But I dunno whether to do it nautical themed or sports themed Hmm

    Mom to Harmon 1/17/08 and twins Rachel & Callum 8/28/09 Photobucket 29o0v13.jpg
  • When she's old enough to lodge a complaint. :D

    We'll probably move before that though. I just know I am not going to do to her what my mom did to me. I had a light pink/ minnie and mickey room until 8th grade and the same "big girl" furniture til then too.

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  • We're going to redecorate when we get pregnant with DC#2.  We're going to move DS into a larger room and use his current room for DC#2.  It's yellow right now so it will work for a boy or a girl.
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  • Would totally depend on factors.

    All things staying the way they are now? In about 1-2 years when he gets a new bed. And his new room? All Penn State Nittany Lions. Gee. I wonder where he'll go to college?

    Factors to consider: will there be another baby on the way at that time? Because we might put him in his dad's Pittsburgh Penguins game room instead.

    Additional factor? Have we stuffed FIL in a heavy trunk, weighted it with cinder blocks and tossed it into the sea? Because then we might move our bedroom down to his apartment, give Joseph our room, give the new baby the nursery, and then Daddy gets to keep his gameroom. (While less enjoyable to dream about, the same scenario could also mean that we've shipped FIL off to assisted living. Still nice. Just so much less permanent. Oh well, a girl can dream.)

  • image*francisca*:

    In 4 months when we move into my dream home!  We will paint the nursery the same as it is now (neutral colors  & yellow, with teddy bears and stars), but we are preparing his big boy room so if I do ever get pregnant we can start to transition him!

    But I dunno whether to do it nautical themed or sports themed Hmm

    You know you want to do a bunch of orange and big old horns. Go for it! I already have a cardboard cutout of JoePa to go in Joseph's Penn State room.

  • Until he's old enough to ask for a redo....but if we have another, the next baby will probably get his room and he'll get the spare bedroom.

    I'm a crappy redecorator.  

  • Well, I still love the way the nursery is decorated so I haven't had the itch to redecorate yet (which is odd for me- I like to change it up a lot).  But surprisingly, DH is the one who is eager for the change up.  But that is just because he wants it to be the Star Wars theme from PBK.  We actually went ahead and bought the sheets this weekend even though we know it will be a LONG time before he's in a big boy bed to use them! 






  • She will be in her new room at about a year old, so we well redecorate then!
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  • Not until he's much older---around age 5.

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  • Not until she moves to her big girl room.
  • We did DS as a big boys room so we won't have to change it for a long time.  We just painted it cream and navy blue.  If you didn't us you would never know that is a baby room except for his crib being in there.

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  • When she's old enough to ask for it to be re-done.
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  • Probably not for a VERY long time.  We didn't do a babyish theme in her room strictly because we didn't want to have to redecorate for a while.  Her walls are a soft blue and her furniture is white.  When she's out of the crib we'll probably just find a comforter and sheets that will work with what we have. 
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  • Our nursery is gender neutral since we didn't know the sex.  DS will be in this room until we move (which would happend IF we got pregnant again).  When we would move the new baby would have the same bedding and all thats in the nursery and we would make DS a "big boy" room.

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