Went to dinner tonight with friends and DD just kept shrieking at the top of her lungs. I am about to do a cross-country flight with her on Wednesday and I do not want to be murdered on the plane. She does not like paci's and I have tried distracting her...
Re: WWYD shrieking
LOL! I actually have been in that point... Harm was getting a tooth and he was a mess on a flight. Finally I had to just walk him around. Ironically our OBGYN we found out was sitting behind us during the flight. I think in his mind he was like: I'm never referring her for infertility treatment again!
Seriously Harm has been shrieking too. He thinks it is adorable. I shush him and give him the sign for no and a serious face. I dunno if it helps but I think he is starting to get it is a no no.
For church though I always have a ton of finger foods for him. Full mouths can't screech