Just want to compare....
My guy is:
Language: babbling, mama, dada and some other words that only dad and I can really understand. I don't think much of it is directed at anything
Motor: he is really great with his hands and manipulating toys for their intended purposes
Walking/Standing: he can only stand and walk when assisted, but isn't really interested in walking
Eating/Drinking: he eats everything solid and we're switching to whole milk next week, but he is still on the bottle. He gets frustrated with the sippy cup like it isn't fast enough and he can drink a little out of a cup if I help.
Re: What is your 1 yr. old doing?
Language: LOTS of babbling. Like having full conversations in babble! LOL. Says Dada, but never Mama. Her sign language skills are very good. She signs milk, water, all done, eat, fan, light, etc.
Motor: excellent manipulation and motor skills.
Walking/Standing: Prefers to just crawl (it's just so easy!) Will walk very well, and fast, but only if assisted (by me or her walking toy) and can stand and balance on her own very well. I'm in NO rush!!!!
Eating/Drinking: I'm getting in a rut already with her menu, but the girl can EAT some solid foods! Her sippy cup is just now starting to get better this week. She is figuring it out, finally, but still won't take more than maybe an ounce from it. She can hold it well, but I tilt it up for her. It's still not her favorite thing though.
Language: SHe knows many body parts receptively, and will label head, nose, feet and teeth if I point to them. She knows tons of animals and animal sounds- but some of these are signs/gestures. SHe requests up and "moobies" (to nurse). Many words are approximations, some are distinguishable by most people.
Motor- fine motor- she loves shape sorters and big knob puzzles.
Walking.Standing- not even close- she just started crawling a few weeks ago.
Eating/drinking- Eh. She is on table foods, and has a few staples she will always eat but is pretty hit-or-miss as to whether she'll eat what I provide- ugh. I am becoming one of THOSE moms preparing multiple meals- I swore I wouldn't but she's not even 18 lbs yet! SHe drinks from anything that holds liquid- she's not picky- she loves water.
Motor: he is really great with his hands and manipulating toys but not always for their purpose. He loves to pick up multiple toys and carry them around and share them. He also loves to pick up my hands and either use them to clap or put them on his face, throw his head back and laugh.
Walking/Standing: he has been walking since 10 months. He's now running everywhere. He can also go from sitting to standing to walking without using anything to get up.
Eating/Drinking: We switched over to whole milk at 11 months, and he loves it. Eating can be hit or miss, but he LOVES spicy, full flavored stuff most of the time. It's just hard to get him to eat sometimes.
My gal is:
Language: babbling, mama, dada, tout (scout the dog), all done, understands no and will stop if we say it, throws tantrums if she doesn't get what she wants
Motor: pretty good with manipulating toys, loves to carry them around, bang them together, dances with music or musical toys, claps, hits her brother and the dog
Walking/Standing: pulls to standing easily, balance much better and can hold on with one hand, just starting to cruise furniture, walks assisted with toy or us
Eating/drinking: eats everything we eat like a champ, down to one bottle before bed, LOVES sippy cup, on whole milk (since 11 months)