1st Trimester

Pregnancy Nutrition Guide

So I once found this nutrition site before I was pregnant...you'd put in what you've eaten for the day (down to the proportions), and from that it would recommend some different foods to help balance the rest out.  Has anyone else seen this, or something like it?

Re: Pregnancy Nutrition Guide

  • Well, it doesn't help balance the rest out, but babyfit.sparkpeople.com allows you to track what you eat and shares a meal plan to help you determine what you need for calories, fat, nutrients, etc.
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  • imageBigIsland07:
    Well, it doesn't help balance the rest out, but babyfit.sparkpeople.com allows you to track what you eat and shares a meal plan to help you determine what you need for calories, fat, nutrients, etc.


    TY for posting!

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  • A great log for keeping track of your nutrition which corresponds to levels given in the "What to Expect When you are expecting Log" for servings recommended.


  • abbyfulabbyful member
    edited September 2013
    The Brewer Diet will give you a checklist of what to eat out of different categories. (This is also the diet Bradley Method childbirth recommends.) 

    It's A LOT of food if you follow it exactly, but even if you can't eat that much, it will give you an idea of the categories so you can see "oh, I didn't eat anything from category x, I need to make sure I start getting that in".

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  • It depends if you view a calorie as a calorie. They are not created equally and have totally different effects on the body and metabolism. There are plenty of studies where participants have eaten a high calorie diet that is high fat low carb and lost lots of weight and people who have eaten a low calorie low fat high carb diet (or at least attempted to as low fat high carb makes you feel hungry) and gained weight. Read anything by Gary Taubes or this article by Kris Gunnars for better explanation.

    Also the salt and blood pressure connection has been debunked many times. Salt is essential for our adrenal glands to function. If you use sea salt rather than table salt (which is pure sodium with all the beneficial trace minerals removed), you'll find it doesn't have a significant effect on blood pressure and actually improves health. 

    That Brewer diet mentioned above seems similar to Chris Kresser's Healthy Baby Code

  • I would suggest MyFitnessPal.com. Helps you track the calorie intake, exercise and water. Also analyses the food on nutrients and if you set up a goal it lets you know how many calories you should eat every day. There's also a mobile app.
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