
WTF is going on with my cycle??

My temp is still above coverline, down from yesterday, but still well above the coverline.  I'm 15 DPO.  My LP is 13 days, 14 days at most.  I've got cramps, but not like normal.  Normally I have REALLY hideous cramping, mainly on my right side.  I don't have that right now. 

What is going on? 

Oh, and I tested yesterday with a digi, BFN. 

Kill all my demons and my angels might die too. -Tennessee Williams

You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.

Re: WTF is going on with my cycle??

  • Are you sure of all your days?  Are you charting?

    Before I had DD, I had a very normal cycle--28 days almost to the hour--I could always count on AF between 8-10am without fail on day 28.  And I always O'd on CD 17, with an 11 day LP.

    When it came time to TTC #2, I would have swore everything was the same.  But when I actually sat down with a calendar to count it out, my cycle had changed to anywhere from 26-32 days and I was o'ing on CD 13.  Not at all what i had expected.  If I had just assumed everthing was the same, I never would have gotten PG or even known when to test.

  • Maybe you are preggo :)) I always get my positive results very late. Maybe tomorrow.
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  • wrong o date?
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  • Can you post your chart?  Test again today!!

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  • Whatever it is, good luck :-)


  • Trying to remember my TCOYF, but isn't there sometimes a dip in temp (still above coverline) and then a rise again when you're pregnant??  I'd say way for tomorrow.
    imageimage Ashley Sawtelle Photography
  • Kill all my demons and my angels might die too. -Tennessee Williams

    You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
  • I didn't get a BFP until the day my period was due.  I know nothing about charting, but hopefully you are pg.
  • Huh.  Maybe you really o'd at the 8dpo dip instead?  'cause O 4 days after your period ends is tres early.  hell I don't know.  I know this used to drive me bonkers.  Good luck!
  • uh yeah I can't do math or read apparently.  anyway maybe you o'd on your 8dpo day and have a short lp?
  • cramps w/o AF were my only symptoms of pregnancy until morning sickness set in!

  • I think your ovulation date could easily be a day or 2 after what FF is saying now.  But I'm no expert!
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