
Re: Pin......Pin

  • kind of...what you need?!?!?! :P
  • lol love pimped out Miles!

    I was wondering if you knew if I can find discounted mac brushes anywhere besides the company stores?  I want to replace some brushesBig Smile

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  • No I don't. You may try ebay for "new brushes". I know I cleared out about $500 worth of brushes that were never touched and listed them on there.

    They do have the gift set brushes out! The only one that is crap is the #266.

    How old are your brushes? I have some that are 10 yr old that are pretty beat up but if I wash in high end shampoo and conditioner they look pretty again.

  • word G co18 blinged him out.. he laughs when he sees it!
  • They all look good, but I want new ones and want some doubles!  I have 2 that are 13 years old!  I still love them!

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