
? about Similac Neosure and poop

Hi ladies.  My DD was born at 34w6d, and at her 2 week appointment, she was switched to Neosure because she was not gaining enough weight.  Since then, she poops less frequently (once a day, so not too concerned about that), but her poops are loose and runny each time.  Is this normal?

I tried calling my dr today, left a message, and no one called me back.  I called the hospital a couple hours ago and they said that it seemed ok, but that I should call dr tomorrow.  I told her I tried today, and no one called me back.  I'm really frustrated that no one called me back, and I'm worried, so just looking for some type of answer.  Thanks!


Re: ? about Similac Neosure and poop

  • My boys used Neosure for about 3 months. At the end of the 3rd month they had loose stool and it was dark, dark green. The Pedi said that they were having problems digesting the formula and since they gained some weigh the Doc changed them to the new Advance (for immune) formula. They're doing great w it.?


    GL! ?

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  • I can relate to being frustrated that nobody called you back. I called my pediatrician this afternoon at 2:00 and nobody ever called me back. It is now 10:30 at night. I called because my baby is on neosure and we are having poop issues. He has been going 3-4 days without pooping recently. I know there is a lot more iron in neosure so they do go less because of that.
    Conceived twins with IVF January 2008. Lost baby a at 20 1/2 weeks due to premature rupture of membranes and held onto baby b. Baby b (Brandon) born at 26 weeks and 1 day on July 5, 2008. Wesley born full term on June 29, 2011. My blog Lilypie Premature Baby tickers Lilypie Pregnancy tickers image
  • DS has been on Neosure since he came home in July... he does NOT poop very often; he easily goes a couple of days between poops (but then randomly has 3 poop days! LOL)

    The pedi had us add 1oz. of prune juice to a bottle every day, and that's made a HUGE difference! Things keep moving much better now... we were having to give him glycerin suppositories a couple times a week before.

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