DH and I have a 4-month-old biological son. We're going to wait until he's a year old then think about having another one (although to be honest, I'm ready now). I would like to think and look into adopting our second child. DH is adopted and came from a home with only 1 sibling, who was also adopted. I cam from a home with only 1 sibling who was also biological. He thinks it would be uncomfortable for an adopted child to live in a family where there are other siblings who would be biologically related to us. He says not because we would love them any less, but because they might not have the same bond with their siblings as they would if they were in the "same boat." Any thoughts? Anyone from or have a family with both biological and adopted children? TIA
Re: Both adopted and biological okay?
I know multiple families that have both adopted and biological children in them and from an outsider's perspective all have grown into sucessful well adjusted adults (all people I grew up with). We are not ruling out the possibility of getting pg sometime, but for us adoption was a better choice now. We also haven't ruled out adoption again, or after learning from people here, foster-adopt as a future plan.
I think much of it can depend on the children and the parents and the personalities of each. My brothers and I are all bio-siblings and I am more bonded with one then the other, we just have more in common. I'm not sure shared genetics has much to do with bonding effectively.
I have two biological children, and a daughter who came to me through adoption. Let me tell you - they fight like any brother and sister I've ever seen. Granted - she's 6, so we haven't hit the teen years - but my daughter knows she's loved just as much as anyone who's ever come out of my belly. She also says she's really special, because Cody and I flew all the way across the world just to get her.
I think, as long as there is an open and honest line of communication about the adoption experience, and the amount of love there is to go around - bio and adoption is perfectly fine - sometimes BETTER than fine.
And to pp - yeah - I get comments from people about how lucky Mia is to have us. I stop them and say "No, WE'RE lucky to have HER"