2nd Trimester

Not peeing as much?

I used to have to pee all. the. time until about a week or so ago. Maybe its because I haven't been drinking as much water as I should but now I have been able to sleep through the night and I don't have to get up and go 1-2x an hour at work. Once I hit 12 weeks I haven't had as much m/s (actually now I'm only a little nauseous in the morning sometimes) and my breasts aren't as tender. Is this just what happens when you hit the second tri or should I be concerned? This is my first baby.
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Re: Not peeing as much?

  • Welcome to the 2nd trimester. For a little while, things could almost seem normal again. Enjoy it.
  • I was just thinking the same thing.  I've haven't "gone" in 6 hours.  Yesterday  I only peed once at work.  I thought it was weird for me too.  I need to drink more water I guess....
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  • I went through a phase of that.  Now, no matter how much I drink...I pee every few hours again.  It's better when I drink more, because if I don't drink, I don't go very much, and it burns a bit from being so concentrated.  Moral of my story:  drink, drink, drink!
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  • I'd say it's "normal" I experienced the same thing. This is my first, but I remember thinking the same thing, wow I slept through the night, or oh I haven't went pee 12 times today :-) Enjoy it, thats what I'd say
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  • Ive gone through a few phases like that as well. I had more pressure when i had to pee then the actually urge to pee. The only reason I knew I was progressing was the belly that was growing lol. even at 22 weeks  I went through a Normal peeing thing and now Im back to waking up once a night to go.

  • I think the not peeing as much is probably because 10-12 weeks is when your uterus "pops" out of the pelvis, so your bladder gets a little break until baby gets bigger and heavier. My nausea went away by around 10 weeks, and I started to feel better in general by 12 too. I wouldn't be concerned at all, it's one of the many reasons people enjoy their 2nd trimester the most! They're not sick 24/7 like in the 1st tri, and they're not experiencing all the aches and pains of the 3rd tri yet.
  • Not me! I'm still going a few times a night (it's not as bad in the daytime). My Dr says that "most" will notice the frequent peeing subside a bit in the 2nd tri because your uterus is growing out of the pelvic area and thus not putting as much pressure on the bladder. I'm hoping I experience this soon! So basically, it's normal...and you're lucky!
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  • I went throught that too.  But I really wasnt drinking as much as I should be either.  It did catch up with me though.  Now I pee almost ever hour!!!!  Enjoy it while it lasts...

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  • Nah, it's ok. Second tri is like that. Enjoy it, though - when you hit the final weeks of your third tri you'll be peeing twice as much as you peed in the first tri. The other night I got up around seven times... seriously, I was like wtf?!  LOL

    I thought of drinking less water but then I realised I still had to pee anyway... so why go thirsty?

    Good luck and all the best!

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  • Consider yourself blessed!  I never had to pee this much with DD!!  Yiesch, going to the gym it's like I'll set up my weights then get ready to lift and ... DANG... have to go pee again or face peeing myself...  Thankfully I was lifting alone tonight so the crew laughed at it, but still - I just wish this phase would ease up (plus it seems like the energizer bladder... it keeps going and going and going and going...)
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