I used to have to pee all. the. time until about a week or so ago. Maybe its because I haven't been drinking as much water as I should but now I have been able to sleep through the night and I don't have to get up and go 1-2x an hour at work. Once I hit 12 weeks I haven't had as much m/s (actually now I'm only a little nauseous in the morning sometimes) and my breasts aren't as tender. Is this just what happens when you hit the second tri or should I be concerned? This is my first baby.
Re: Not peeing as much?
Burned by the Bear
Our baby boy,Logan, was born still at 19w3d on 7/1/2011
Our 2nd baby boy, Mason, was born still at 20w3d on 1/31/2012
After a much needed sanity break... we are praying for our rainbows
((BFP 7/29/13)) ((EDD 4/12/14)) It's BOY/GIRL twins!!!
Nah, it's ok. Second tri is like that. Enjoy it, though - when you hit the final weeks of your third tri you'll be peeing twice as much as you peed in the first tri. The other night I got up around seven times... seriously, I was like wtf?! LOL
I thought of drinking less water but then I realised I still had to pee anyway... so why go thirsty?
Good luck and all the best!