1st Trimester

strep throat during pregnancy?

DS was diagnoses with strep today- well tonight.  my throat has hurt all day.  and of course the last few days we have shared a tooth brush, drinks, food etc.. 

I plan on calling my OB in the morning, but am wondering tonight, will they have me come in?  Can I even go on meds at 11 weeks pg?  

 SOO annoyed right now, and not feeling well..  

Re: strep throat during pregnancy?

  • they can put you on antibiotics. certain type of strep your body might be able to fight off on its own. GL, hope you and DS feel better!
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  • I have a white blood cell immune problem.  no way is my body fighting this off if I get it.  DS has coughed in my face more times then I can count in the last 48 hours.  plus using the same straw, we split a frosty today..  urgh.  and I feel so bad for him, he has the scarlet fever rash ALL over his body.  and my bro is getting married in 8 days!!  NOOO..
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  • well, i hope miraculously you DON'T have strep, and he is cured quickly! Poor kid, poor mommy... ::hugs::
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  • I had strep last week and I was only just 4 weeks 5 days.. and they put me on penicillin...Like you I am concerned about taking the antibiotic this early.. But the doctor said if let alone it could turn into something much worse..I just am hoping and praying it doesnt affect anything..Good luck and hopefully everything works out for you!! Hopefully it's not strep after all!!
  • That sucks.  :-(  Talk to you dr about a tea that you can drink and DRINK LOTS OF IT!  I really hope you and your DH feel better.
  • I was also diagnosed with strep last week (@ 5w 4d) and was also prescribed antibiotics. I also gargled w/ salt water, drank a bunch of Yogi tea w/ honey & rested (more than usual). Hope you feel better!!
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