Blended Families

I really REALLY hate this

Well, the kids are on the plane headed to DC's. They are both armed with cellphones and both phones have the GPS trackers installed.

I spent the last week talking up this trip with them and trying to get them excited to see DC. This morning at the airport I totally held it together when I hugged and kissed them goodbye. Their plane just took off and I'm sitting here at their gate bawling. I keep telling myself this trip won't be like last time. I keep telling myself that the kids have to be given the opportunity to try and have a relationship with DC. But damn this is hard.

Is it August 8th yet?

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Re: I really REALLY hate this

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    I feel for you. Try to stay positive.. I know easier said than done.. I don't know what happened last time but have seen some of your posts about the phones and things and I really hope everything works out for you and them.

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    This is a good thing.  Your kids are older, wiser and stronger this time round.  

    YOU are stronger and smarter this time round.

    And a$$wipe knows he is on notice this time round.  

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    This is a good thing.  Your kids are older, wiser and stronger this time round.  

    YOU are stronger and smarter this time round.

    And a$$wipe knows he is on notice this time round.  


    This!!!! {{{{{{{{Hugs}}}}}}}} 

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    This is a good thing.  Your kids are older, wiser and stronger this time round.  

    YOU are stronger and smarter this time round.

    And a$$wipe knows he is on notice this time round.  

    Yessss! The only reason that d-bag was able to pull it off was because he caught you by surprise.  

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    Everything everyone else said is what I can get on board with. He, and his crazy family, don't have the element of surprise this time around. I hope this trip is fun for the kids and in the awful chance something happens like last year, they have an idea of how to react.

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    I wasn't on the board a year ago so I don't know what the history is, but I just wanted to say that I hope all goes well for this visit and that your worries are set to rest.

    I was also wondering what the DC abbreviation means? sorry, I just can't figure it out...


    TTC since 3/2010. Me 41, DH-49. After 3 years, 6 IUIs and several IVFs we have finally have our beautiful baby girl, born on 11/7/13.

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    I wasn't on the board a year ago so I don't know what the history is, but I just wanted to say that I hope all goes well for this visit and that your worries are set to rest.

    I was also wondering what the DC abbreviation means? sorry, I just can't figure it out...


    DC = douchecanoe

    Last year when the kids were out there, DC took my son's phone away and basically hid the children.  They only see him once a year and they always have a lot of apprehension when they go.  So for almost 2 weeks, the kids were not able to text me, call me, or email me.  DC kept the kids at random people and relative's homes so that I couldn't find them.  The police were involved, I got an Emergency Order, it was a mess.  We live in CA and he lives in TN so it was really scary and stressful.  We had a follow up hearing recently and the Judge gave DC "one more chance". 


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    I was also wondering what the DC abbreviation means? sorry, I just can't figure it out...

    I could not figure this out for the life of me either, but the other day someone used douchecanoe in conversation, and all I could think after that was 'Oh, I figured out Jo's ex's abbreve!!!!!!'

    I understand all of your anxiety but I second/third/fourth/fifth that your kids are armed with more knowledge and cel phones with GPS this year, it will NOT be a repeat!  That said, I hope Aug. 8th comes faster than we think.  Thinking of you and your family, you have been through a lot. 

    If being a math nerd is wrong, I don't wanna be right!
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    ((hugs)) There isn't anything to say that hasn't already been said. Praying for you to stay strong and I'm just hoping he doesn't try anything funny this time. 
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    "Karma1969: If baking someone a birthday pie/cake is romantic, I must be a slut."
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    Ugh. T&Ps your way, Jo. Keep yourself busy so the time will go by faster.
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    Thoughts and prayers Jo! You have had a rough couple of weeks and I hope they get better for you. I can't imagine how hard it is, but hopefully you can find some time for yourself while they are gone and that the few weeks will go fast. 
    "Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage." ~ Lao Tzu
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    Keeping you in your thoughts Jo.  I really hope things are uneventful this go- around and DC is able to build your trust back up a little bit so that these visits aren't so hard on everyone going forward. 
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