May 2012 Moms


So we are definitely moving next June. We met with a realtor yesterday to find out what we need to do to sell the house. I was happy to find out I don't have to do anything to the house. The house is in great condition. Now on to my WWYD. 

Option 1- Put the house on the market now.  The market is doing very well here right now. We can't afford to bring anything to the table and he thinks can sell the house now and maybe get us something back. Not much, but something. This means we need to find a rental until June and move twice. And in case this sways you we are only moving for 1 year and then moving again. So, this would be 3 moves in 2 years. Also, most of my friends moved out of the area this year. My only friends left are my neighbors. They are a great support for me, when my DH is working long hours. In the coming months he will be gone a lot. It's very comforting knowing someone is right next door if I need anything. Moving away from them early would be very sad for me. 

Option 2- Wait until the spring when we were originally going to put it on the market. With interests rates going up the market could stall, but no one really knows. It could also continue the upwards trend.  If we don't sell the house we will have to find renters. 




  • I guess it would depend on where you were moving... Could you move close to where some of your other friends have moved to? Can you move closer to your family for the year so that you can still have some support? How far are you moving? I think I need more info to be able to tell you what I would do...

    another thing to consider is that most rentals want a one year lease and its already July so you would be looking at either breaking your lease early, staying until August or September, or having to find a 8 or 10 month lease.

    i have done the 3 moves in 2 years and I can't say I enjoyed it. My best advice for that is if you don't actually need it, don't unpack it.


  • Our friends are all scattered around the country. DH is finishing up residency and has a year left. All of our good friends were a year ahead. We don't know where we are moving in June, just that we are definitely moving. We also don't get to choose where we go. The best we can do is not apply to places we don't like. There are about 13 places on our list. Some close to family and friends, some not.  Can't wait for the day when we can choose where want to be.

    I don't think finding a rental would be too hard. We have a few leads already. I know ideally they like a year, but around here most landlords will be happy if you pay on time. 

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  • I would go for option 2. Take the extra time in the house to slowly start packing up the items you don't use. Get tons of rubbermaid tubs of different sizes. They are sturdy and easy to stack and carry. They also can be stored nested together when you are done moving. I moved (no joke) 6 times in a three year period. Don't feel pressured to sell now. Trends are saying the market will continue to improve. An added bonus, you will have more of the mortgage (if you have one) paid off so more chance of profit when you sell.

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  • imagezoeygirl1105:

    First off congrats on his last year! It's DHs last year too! 

    Obviously do what's best for you guys. I would personally do option 2. I know how important a support system is and it looks like you have one within your neighbors. A lot of the residents here who bought homes and couldn't sell them before they left have rented them out to new incoming residents until they could sell or until the market goes up. I guess that depends if you live close to where he works.

    Good luck! I know it's frustrating not knowing where you are going to be in a year. The planner in me wants to search for a house now but I can't. Ugh! :)


    Thanks! Can't believe we are almost there. On to fellowship next. Is your DH doing a fellowship? Congrats to almost being done!!! It's a long road.  

  • imagezoeygirl1105:

    First off congrats on his last year! It's DHs last year too! 

    Obviously do what's best for you guys. I would personally do option 2. I know how important a support system is and it looks like you have one within your neighbors. A lot of the residents here who bought homes and couldn't sell them before they left have rented them out to new incoming residents until they could sell or until the market goes up. I guess that depends if you live close to where he works.

    Good luck! I know it's frustrating not knowing where you are going to be in a year. The planner in me wants to search for a house now but I can't. Ugh! :)


    Thanks! Can't believe we are almost there. On to fellowship next. Is your DH doing a fellowship? Congrats to almost being done!!! It's a long road.  


    We are still waiting to hear back but I kind of hope he decides not too. I know it sounds awful. I'm so burned out of all this. Unfortunately where we want to live is really competitive and he will likely need the fellowship. The thought of moving in June and moving again a year later makes me want to hide.  



    I totally agree. I'm ready to move on and find the place we are going to settle down. 6 years and 1 of fellowship is a bit much. He wasn't going to do fellowship, but he fells like he needs it to be more competitive. Ugh.   

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