May 2013 Moms

Lily June (PIP)

Sorry for the delayed announcement, but our little girl was born via c-section on May 8 at 7:38pm, weighing in at 6lbs 2oz and measuring at a little under 18in! 

LONG STORY: We were all set for a vaginal, med-free delivery when my OB discovered that the LO was breech at our 38-week appointment last Monday. We were scheduled for an ECV on Tuesday. It was a much more intense and painful process than I had expected it to be. Unfortunately, manually flipping her didn't work, so the doctor scheduled a c-section for Monday, May 13th (I would have been 39w1d). Our little girl had a plan of her own, though. The very next morning my water broke, so we went in to L&D. They confirmed that I was, in fact, leaking amniotic fluid and admitted me. My OB just happened to be on call that day, so she was the one who delivered the baby. I was terrified of the c-section, mainly because I had been preparing myself for a vaginal delivery. The anticipation and preparation for surgery was a lot worse than the actual c-section, though. Everything went very smoothly and I was able to get up and walk around not even 12 hours after the surgery. 

The first couple of days at home were rough, but we're getting a hang of it! Lily is a wonderful baby and we're starting to get into a routine. I'm recovering well - I still have some pain from the incision, but it's getting better. My husband and I are in love with our new little bundle! Here are a couple of photos of her on the day that we brought her home.

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