1st Trimester

If your boobs normally hurt before your period pre-preg..

....What happened when you got pregnant? Did they not hurt before your expected period? Did they still hurt on cue before your expected period like normal? Spill the deets, please!
Brady (7.15.10) and Nolan (5.11.13)

Re: If your boobs normally hurt before your period pre-preg..

  • kac831kac831 member
    Mine never hurt with pms and have not ached at all with my BFP
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I would only occasionally get minor pain in my breasts before my period was due.

    That being said, the first 4 months of my pregnancy, my boobs hurt all the time. It's lessened in the last two months, and I just notice that they are more sensitive now - especially my nipples.

    "Mommy, HELP ME!"

    Lilypie - (P7p7)
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  • mine hurt worst right before and what would have been my period week, and a little less since then.  boobs are less sensitive, but nipples are WAY more sensitive :(
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Depends on how much "Progestrogne" your body is secreting will make your boobs hurt or not.
  • SEWFSEWF member
    My boobs hurting was always a sign that my period was coming. So when I got pregnant, I just thought my period was on it's way. They hurt a bit worse than normal at first, but it has tapered off quite a bit. I still have to be gentle with them, but they don't really hurt anymore, just tender.
    Malcolm AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
  • My boobs would get sore before starting my period. Then when pregnant, my boobs started hurting BEFORE my period would normally start. They have continued to get more sore the furthur into my pregnancy. My poor husband looooves my boobs, and I don't let him touch them anymore. Soo sore. :(

    BabyFetus Ticker BabyFruit Ticker
  • Mine just started getting sore at 5 wks. Never before AF.
  • The first time around, it was like normal tenderness before a period-right timing too. I'm nursing #1 still, so I could tell right away with this one.
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  • They've been hurting since the day after I O'd and now my nipples are also more sensitive (and painful). 
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    BabyFruit Ticker
    DD1 born 2/15/13 ~ Due with #2 on 12/27/14 (it's a boy!) {Eff you, siggy line! Why won't you center align?!}
  • it was just my nipples that were a little tender right before my period.  Now that I'm KUd, they hurt all around.  My nipples are more tender to the touch, the other skin is fine though but if I lay down on my husband (still small enough to lay on my stomach! yay! lol) I can't stay very long cause they hurt too much.  Heh, he got a good laugh earlier today.  We were "practicing for #2" so he held them steady so they didnt hurt so bad from the movement =p  what a wonderful husband i have haha :]
    *married June 18, 2011 to the most wonderful man ever* BFP #1 6/11/12, M/C on 7/11/12 @ 9 weeks 6 days, baby measuring at 6 weeks 2 days. We love you baby v! Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers PitaPata Dog tickersPitaPata Dog tickersDaisypath Anniversary tickers Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • My boobs always hurt before my period and when I got my BFP it was no exception. The only reason I tested was because I hadn't gotten my period and they were still hurting. Now I'm 12 weeks and my nipples are just SUPER tender.
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • My boobs hurt on cue, that's why I thought that it was my period. But of course, sore and tender breasts are a symptom of pregnancy as well.
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Pregnancy Ticker
  • Thanks girls! My boobs hurt the entire week before AF arrives, normally starting anywhere from4dpo-9dpo. I always count myself out when they start hurting, but I guess I shouldn't. That makes me happy :)
    Brady (7.15.10) and Nolan (5.11.13)
  • sesigssesigs member
    Mine hurt with PMS and they hurt even worse than usual about 3 days before I tested and got the BFP. Even thought they hurt more than normal I didn't suspect anything and still thought it was AF coming. And they have pretty much hurt non-stop since my BFP!
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  • Jo2013Jo2013 member
    Mine usually hurt a week before I would start then would stop hurting the week of. Same thing happened but I never started and the hurting didn't stop.
    BFP#1 - 8/30/2010, natural M/C 10/3/2010 BFP#2 - 5/13/2012 (Mother's Day!) grow baby grow! Baby boy born 1-11-13!!! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker http://www.thebump.com/profiles/Jo2013/settings/avatar/index#
  • Mine would hurt for a few days up to my period and then go back to normal.  We knew something was up when they got swollen and REALLY sore right around the time that they would if we weren't pregnant...and they're still sore!
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I had slightly sore nipples post-O when I was TTC (but more so right around and right after O, not PMS).  Now my nipples are SUPER sore!  I have to sleep in a little thin bra thing (kind of like the Ahh Bra) because I can't even stand them touching my t-shirt!

    BabyFruit Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Mine hurt from about 4dpo until 9 weeks.
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  • Mine generally hurt for a few days before my period and then taper off when it actually comes.  The only other sign to my getting my period is I turn into a crazy psycho emotional person.  Before I took my pregnancy test last week, I had the psycho emotions but I had no breast tenderness at all.  I have a habit of getting too excited that I may be pregnant that if my period is a day late I take a test and the next day my period always comes.  I figured this would be the same thing so I waited awhile.  I was definitely surprised last week to have my first positive pregnancy test, but I still didnt have breast tenderness.  As of this weekend that got thrown out the window.  It feels like someone took a bat and beat my chest black and blue, they hurt!  Definitely not like any pain I have ever had. 
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Mine, usually get a more sensitive and a little sore before my period. But being pregnant they are far more sore and swollen than they've ever been before, and they just feel different.
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers Image and video hosting by TinyPic Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • My boobs normally hurt before my period. Not really bad, but a definite hurt. About a week before I got my BFP my boobs became sooo sore! They literally hurt to touch them in any way. They are still sore, but not as bad.
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    BFP #1: 6.26.12 EDD: 2.11.13 missed m/c: 7.31.12 @ 12 weeks
    BFP #2: 10.1.12 EDD: 6.11.13 Born 6.13.13
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    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Mine usually get a little sore right before AF (of course, this lovely PMS symptom didn't start until we started TTC #1...making me second guess myself every month). When we got pregnant w/ DD, they didn't hurt before (but we did notice they had grown the night before my BFP) and they were just a little sensitive at times (I did NOT like them being touched, even though it didn't hurt). This time, I've had twinges and random bouts of soreness, but they were were not early indicators for me. And they are just now looking a little bigger.
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    "Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?...But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:26-27&33-34
  • Mine used to get very tender and sore about 3-5 days before my period, and then start to feel better as my period went on. When I was pregnant with my first, and with this time they were still sore starting at the normal time 3-5 days before I was supposed to have my period. It is actually how I found out I was pregnant. The pain wasn't letting up, and I had missed my period by 4 days. Now the pain is extremely intense. I have larger breasts and every time I take my bra off they feel like they are being pulled off. It is extremely painful. 


    BabyFruit Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • With DS they hurt worse than normal pms but with this one, they didn't start hurting until about 6 wks. They are normally a little sore before my period.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Mine always hurt about a week before my period. And before my missed period, they hurt just as much.. and haven't stopped hurting since!! lol 
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  • Mine were never sore for PMS. The only thing I've had with my BB's is sensitive nips.
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