October 2011 Moms

Brooke is here! 9/29 - Birth Story (Long) :)

Name: Brooke

DOB: 9/29, 2:46 AM

Due date: 10/2

Weight: 6lbs 13ozs

Length: 20 inches

Birth Story:
On Tuesday, I noticed some fluid leaking. It was VERY slow and seemed more like watery discharge, but I mentioned it at my Dr's appointment on Wednesday. I never went home from that appointment.

The dr performed 3 tests and confined it was amniotic fluid. She also did a membrane sweep. Ouch. I was then sent directly to the hospital and was directly admitted to L&D.

I had planned on a natural birth so I asked to not be given pitocin. So they used a folie catheter bulb to help open my cervix. I was 99% effaced and 1cm at the first check. The catheter brought on contractions and some were pretty intense. They were also closer together than I anticipated. I was doing a good job of breathing through them until... The catheter finished it's job my getting me to 4th and it popped out. At that point, I had a contraction that went from 0-60 in half a second. No time to prepare. It was at that time I started to consider an epidural. Especially since my Dr. said it would be a long night.

About 2 hours later, I had made little progress yet continued to contract. My Dr said we could wait longer for further interventions and I was happy to do so. But... I did get en epidural. It was AWESOME! Seriously, it made the entire process so much more relaxing. And, as you will see, I didn't miss out on any of the experience.

Fast forward a bit, I'm now 5cm. I agree to Pitocin because now, I already have the epidural so why not. They tell me I won't be pushing for about 5 hours. I listen to music, doze off and try to relax. At 1 AM they come to check (only 3 hours later) and tell me I have no cervix left and I'm ready to push. Problem is, the epidural was heavy and I couldn't feel anything to push. So they eased that back and 2-0 min. later, I was ready.

It was a very nice experience. I had my actual Dr, MH, and one great nurse. My Dr was there WAY more than he wasn't. Awesome dude. Total push time was 1 hour 30 min. It was PAINFUL at the end during crowning and the head coming out. She needed a little vacuum assistance but just a little. I had a 2nd degree tear.

Brooke Madison came quickly once she crowned and the next thing I know, she's on my chest. What a crazy moment. She was slow to get crying so they took her under the warmer. The sound of her scream was the best sound ever.

Afterward, I had some trouble delivering the placenta due to some uterine issues prior to pregnancy. It took a while to get it out. While we were waiting, my dr repaired my tear. Oh, and remember that skin tag, my Dr removed it! Bonus! Once the placenta was out, life was good.

Here is a bit of FYI for you. 1) It's not uncommon to have a large glob of what looks like red jelly fall out if your vag within 24 hours of birth. I have never seen a clot so big. Don't freak out.

I wish you all the best for safe deliveries and healthy babies.

Here is a link to her pic. Sorry no PIP, I'll fix later.

Re: Brooke is here! 9/29 - Birth Story (Long) :)

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