
My Section is Scheduled...

on my birthday!  The boys will be 37.5 weeks then.  I figure from now on everyone will focus on them and forget I'm getting olderWink Now just hoping they stay put until then!
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Re: My Section is Scheduled...

  • You are lucky!  We are due about the same time and my doctor said we won't schedule anything until around 35 weeks.  I'd love to have a date!
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  • imagedoz&koz:
    You are lucky!  We are due about the same time and my doctor said we won't schedule anything until around 35 weeks.  I'd love to have a date!
    Interesting.  My OB practice likes to do the sections between weeks 37 and 38 so that's why I was able to schedule already.
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  • Congratulations! :)  I'm a little jealous too... we will be scheduling our c/s date at my appointment next Monday, but they require me to set it for week 39 -- which they don't expect me to get to anyways! Ugh.  I would just really like to have my babies here for Christmas. ;)
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Married 5/24/2003 TTC since 5/2007 IUI #1 10/2008 -- :) M/C 12/08 -- :( IUI #2 3/2009 -- :( IUI #3 6/2009 -- :( IUI #4 7/2009 -- :( IUI #5 9/2009 -- :( IVF 5/2010 -- TWINS!! :)
  • imagelpp09:
    Congratulations! :)  I'm a little jealous too... we will be scheduling our c/s date at my appointment next Monday, but they require me to set it for week 39 -- which they don't expect me to get to anyways! Ugh.  I would just really like to have my babies here for Christmas. ;)

    If you are 33 weeks now then you may get your wish!

    imageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • So exciting!   My OB/hospital will not schedule c-sections for twins before 38 weeks.   I really wanted to be scheduled on Jan. 21, but they were all booked up, so now I am scheduled for Jan 24 at 38w3d.  
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  • How did your OB know to schedule for 37.5 weeks? I am due in February and am 28w now. I am a teacher and would like a work end date so that they can line a sub up for me. I hope to not go back after the holiday break. Just wondering what your dr took into consideration when making the decision.
  • I am a teacher as well.   Due to swelling and contractions (that I didn't know I was having until I went to triage on Monday) the OB decided my last day of work will be on Friday at 31weeks.    I had two transition days with my long term sub on Monday and Tuesday this week.   Due to a high rate of complications my OB office suggests a scheduled c-section.  However, if I really wanted to try for a vaginal delivery they would let me.  They also reminded me that I could change my mind at any time.  The hospital that I am delivering at will not schedule Twin c-sections before 38 weeks and singleton c-sections before 39 weeks, unless the doctor's determine there is a reason to be scheduled earlier.
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  • I definitely want a c section. My OB gave me the option. There are so many things that can complicate a natural birth. I would hate to try a natural one and have to have a c section for the second baby anyway. I am very swollen. In fact, it just started this week. I also have trouble breathing and sometimes get tingling in my arms. I have an appt tomorrow so I am going to discuss these things with my OB. I will be 32 weeks after break, so like I said, I am hoping he says I do not have to return. So far though, my cervical length looks good and there are no signs of pre term labor. My blood pressure is also low. Maybe bad swelling and tingling will cause reason for me to be done at 32 weeks.
  • As for how it was scheduled, my practice does twin c's between 37 and 38 weeks.  It is just the way they do things.  I am also a teacher and already left work. My school building has no elevator and I was having trouble getting up the stairs.  The 40+ minute commute was also getting very uncomfortable.  My OB's office usually advises their MoMs to stop working around 28 weeks.

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