Natural Birth

My SEMI natural birth story!

So, I planned I delivering natural. My husband and I attended Lamaze classes, watched videos, did our research on the Internet, read books... We thought we were prepared! Nope! Haha I actually went into labor 12 days early on Saturday night before Easter... My water broke at home at 10:10 PM, so we finished gathering up some things and headed to the hospital. We got there around midnight and were told that I was 4 cm! I was happy with that. I had started with contractions on the way to the hospital that were 2 to 3 minutes apart. They were not very painful, but enough to take my breath away! Once I was settled in my room, we got as comfortable as we could and took each contraction one at a time! My sister thought it was funny because I would be having a normal conversation and just stop, breathe through a contraction and then continue on with the conversation! Around 3:00 they became much much stronger. I lasted about an hour before I was wanting the epidural! They asked if I wanted to be checked before to see how much progress I had made, so I did, and I was only at 5 cm! I requested the epidural and, lucky for me, anesthesia was there in 6 minutes and had the epi in me in just 5 minutes! It was amazing! Haha About an hour and a half later, they checked me and I was at 6 to 7 cm! Then about 45 min later I was feeling pressure so they checked me again. I was now 9 cm! Everything was moving along very quickly! My doctor then decided to let me "labor down" so that I wasn't pushing forever! At 10 AM we decided to start prepping to push. I was feeling a ton of pressure! I was feeling like I wanted to push! I felt something wet on my left shoulder... It was the epidural! A plastic piece cracked and the meds were not making it to my back... I could move my leg a without a problem and felt everything! In a sense I was happy because I have always said I wanted to FEEL what it was like for a baby to come out of me! Well, I felt it! Ha I pushed only 3 times through one contraction and she was here! My doctor had to literally run to the room or she would have missed it! I couldn't hold her in any longer! I knew when to push due to the epi failing. It was amazing! I had my baby girl, Maci Lynne, at 11:06 AM on Easter Sunday! I wasn't due until April 11th, so she was definitely a surprise! She was 8 pounds 2 ounces and 21 inches of perfection!!!
The umbilical chord was wrapped around her neck two times, but was loose enough to cut. I had a minor tear that was stitched up. I was up and walking as soon as they were done cleaning me up. I haven't taken anything for pain, except for 2 Aleve! I feel like the epi helped me through the contractions, but God knew I wanted my natural delivery and found a way to give it to me! :

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