10 Weeks Pregnant

hello! anyone outhere with hypotyroid issues and pregnant?

I found out I was pregnant at the same time I had the diagnosis of hypotyroid.                     I must say, Thx God I have not many pregnancy symptoms :)  just lately I started feeling really weak, and almost out of breath at times when I talk or do too much ... not fun. wondering if the meds are doing this, since I started a new dose                                I'm on my 10th week and praying every week to continue all the way to my due date.

dec 13 are my tyroid control tests and dec 15th are my results and my NST...

keeping my fingers crossed so everything is going well!

anyone of you under a similar situation?

My Angel went back to the Arms of God at 8w2d on Oct. 23rd 2010... Got Positive PT on Oct 12 2012! Doing my Best to make it work this 2nd chance I was Given. Thx God!! BabyFetus Ticker
Gian Maria was born at 38 weeks on June 2nd,
Makes my dreams come true everyday!

Re: hello! anyone outhere with hypotyroid issues and pregnant?

  • Hi! I am on my second baby and at week 10 today!!! The loss of breath is normal for while you are prego and even when you aren't. I was diagnosed with hyperthyroid when I was 11, and then it turned into hypo (so nows i am hypo). It is a pain to deal with, but as long as you take the meds you'll be fine. Just make sure to take your meds, but the amount you take will probably increase quite a bit while you are pregnant. You do have a greater risk to have birth defects such as Down Syndrome and other things, so make sure you talk to your doc is you want to have testing dome for that.
  • Hi, I too recently discovered I had a hypo active thyroid around the time I discovered I was pregnant. I too am now 10wks I see my Dr. Every 4 wks and get my thyroid tested. I'm currently taking thyroid 125mg ERFA
    I used to be a very physical person, fit and in good shape so I was amazed to discover I had a thyroid problem. Since being pregnant I'm tired most of the day and nauseas what I have noticed is that when my dr increases my dose I feel much better I'm sure we will both be fine
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  • Your medication doses will depend in the type of thyroid disorder you have. Mine is an autoimmune disorder, therefore with my pregnancy it is expected to have my prescription decrease. Which during my last appoint with my endocrinologist I was taken off PTU completely.  Though I still have blood work every 4 weeks to monitor. 
  • imagejz25l3:
    Your medication doses will depend in the type of thyroid disorder you have. Mine is an autoimmune disorder, therefore with my pregnancy it is expected to have my prescription decrease. Which during my last appoint with my endocrinologist I was taken off PTU completely. nbsp;Though I still have blood work every 4 weeks to monitor.nbsp;

    This is interesting and the first time I have heard it! Mine is autoimmune also, which explains why my lower dose was totally effective when checked. I am going to make them check more frequently than they planned now, for sure! Thank you for that tidbit!
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  • I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism months after giving birth to my first daughter. How you react to it really depends on the cause of your hyperactivity and how your doctor decides to treat it. Mine was caused by a hot nodule on the gland, I took radioactive iodine to kill the thyroid and now take replacement thyroid hormone every morning. They won't do this for you Since radioactivity is extremely harmful to baby. But it is tough and a hard diagnosis to contend with. Theres a wide spectrum of symptoms but as ling as they're giving you medication to lower hormone production you should start feeling much better. Look up thyroid disorders and pregnancy and make sure to keep informed on the subject by your doctor.
  • I have been hypothyroid for 13 years and the medication does not cause fatigue or shortness of breath.  If your dose is too low you would feel exaggerated fatigue.  I see an endocrinologist to read my results each month.  The levels you need to maintain during pregnancy have a narrow titer.  Since your body is now diverting thyroid to the fetus, you will typically need a higher dose of medication but this will vary and potentially change throughout your pregnancy.  As someone else mentioned, you should have your iron checked as well for anemia.  
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