June 2011 Moms

BMPs (breast milk providers) - How's it going now?

As we are all around the 7 month marker (+/-), I just thought I'd post another check-in for BMPs of all kinds (part-time, full-time, EP, EBF....).  I like doing these because I think it's helpful for us to see how everyone is doing, and to know we aren't alone.  So...

1. How are you doing over all?

2. Have your end goals changed/stayed the same?

3. Any problems?  New or old?

4. Anything else you want to add?


Re: BMPs (breast milk providers) - How's it going now?

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    I'm doing good overall.  I have dropped a pumping session (from 4 to 3) in the last month or so and that has saved my sanity.  I have dropped about 6 ounces a day because of it, but that is still more than A needs. My nipples are finally healing and I don't have to use lanolin before and after every session now.

    We still nurse once per day--the first feed of the morning.  I love that we still have that bonding time even though we have not exclusively been at the boob for months now.

    My goal now is to keep up with 3 times a day for another month or two before dropping another session.  I have about 1000 ounces in the freezer.  I plan to stop donating so I can maintain that and make it to my goal of providing bm for over a year.

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    1) Things are going fine overall, no big complaints

    2) Still the same...aiming for a year, and we'll re-evaluate after that.  Thinking I will probably gently push weaning at that point, though, if he's not ready to himself.  Judge away, but I have been pregnant/breastfeeding or both since Dec 2008, and I'd *love* my body back for a bit before thinking about ttc #3.

    3) He is a pincher.  and a scratcher.  Never had either of these problems with DS1.  It HURTS!  I have little marks all over my nipples/boobs.  Ugh.  Had a slight supply dip (I think) with my first PP AF earlier this week, but all seems fine now.


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    haha I like the term BMPs :)

    1. How are you doing over all? Pretty good! I still breastfeed 100% of the time I'm with her, and for her daycare bottles she gets as much breastmilk as I'm able to pump in my 4x during the day (usually 10-14oz, more on a good day!), and I supplement whatever amount of formula I have to to get her to her 16.5oz.

    2. Have your end goals changed/stayed the same? I still want to breastfeed as much as possible until 12 months. Hopefully continuing with what we're doing now. Only thing that has changed is I'm not sure now that I'll want to 100% wean at 12 months. I like the idea of weaning off of pumping but still breastfeeding once or twice a day when I'm with her until she decides she's done (within reason...)

    3. Any problems?  New or old? Just can't pump enough. Alexis is great at getting out the milk she needs, the pump, not so much. I really think I make enough milk, the pump just can't get me truly empty. I really wanted to make it to 6 months EBF, and we were just a couple of weeks shy of that when we had to start adding the supplements.

    4. Anything else you want to add? I'm completely at peace with the supplementing now. I hated it at first, but she's done great with it. She still prefers mommy milk, and I love that I can provide as much as I can. I feel very blessed that we've been able to breastfeed as much and as easily as we have!

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    As we are all around the 7 month marker (+/-), I just thought I'd post another check-in for BMPs of all kinds (part-time, full-time, EP, EBF....).  I like doing these because I think it's helpful for us to see how everyone is doing, and to know we aren't alone.  So...

    1. How are you doing over all? It is still going really well.

    2. Have your end goals changed/stayed the same? I am thinking we will go to 18 months.

    3. Any problems?  New or old? The only real "problem" we have is the fact that I am being used in the middle of the night as a pacifier. But tbh I think I am okay with that.

    4. Anything else you want to add?


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    1. How are you doing over all?

    OK. I am really getting tired of pumping and not getting results.  Right now I pump three times at work and get about 12 oz. (1st: 6 oz., 2nd: 4 oz., 3rd 2 oz.) He drinks 16 oz. at DC so I supplement.  I'm happy to give him that amount of BM, but annoyed at the end of the day when I take the time to pump and only get 1-2 oz.

    2. Have your end goals changed/stayed the same?

    I have mixed emotions.  Like I said, I'm tired of pumping.  I was toying with the idea of cutting out the last pump session, but then I felt guilty about those 2 oz. he could be getting.  I'll probably stick with the three pumps a day until the end of January and reassess in Feb.  I'm hoping to nurse in the AM/PM until he is at least 1 even if I do cut out pumping.

    3. Any problems?  New or old?

    Decreased supply, but this is old news.

    4. Anything else you want to add?

    How long do you ladies nurse in the evenings?  Sometimes V will nurse for 3 minutes and then pass out.  I try not to nurse him to sleep, but a lot of times it just happens. He continually moves his own bedtime up.

    Also, what is your status on night feedings? We had some regression over holiday travels and he started eating at 3:30 AM.  Luckily last night he STTN so I'm hoping he's over the middle of the night feed. 

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    1. How are you doing over all? Overall, doing pretty good to be working full time and still able to pump 3 times a day.

    2. Have your end goals changed/stayed the same? Umm, there are some days I want to give up. But, I am going to try and hang in there until she can drink cows milk. My main motivation is the cost of formula.

    3. Any problems?  New or old? Her sleeping! I think that our issue is breastfeeding her. She is used to geting the boob at night and I am weaning her due to sleep issues.

    4. Anything else you want to add: My supply is about the same as it used to be before heading back to work, which is why I am supplementing. I pump 3 times a day and get about 12 oz total. I breastfeed the entire weekend. I supplement with formula when I have to.

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    3. Any problems?  New or old? Just can't pump enough. Alexis is great at getting out the milk she needs, the pump, not so much. I really think I make enough milk, the pump just can't get me truly empty. I really wanted to make it to 6 months EBF, and we were just a couple of weeks shy of that when we had to start adding the supplements.

    4. Anything else you want to add? I'm completely at peace with the supplementing now. I hated it at first, but she's done great with it. She still prefers mommy milk, and I love that I can provide as much as I can. I feel very blessed that we've been able to breastfeed as much and as easily as we have!

    And these two too.  Well not completely at peace, but I'm a lot more OK with it than I was at first. 

    And Kimbo...1,000 ounces!!!  You are the cat's pajamas! That is awesome. With my next child I will be  A LOT more diligent about pumping during maternity leave to build up a stash. 

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    1. How are you doing over all? Still going, nursing at home and pumping at work.

    2. Have your end goals changed/stayed the same? Nope, my original goal was 6 months and I'm still going. I don't have another goal. I guess just whenever I don't feel like it anymore.

    3. Any problems?  New or old? I am not pumping enough to give her fresh milk at daycare everyday. I am only pumping about 12 or so oz at work and she gets about 15 at daycare (3 5oz bottles). So I've been going through my freezer stash. Once that's gone, I'll just supplement with formula probably.

    4. Anything else you want to add? Just that I'm proud of myself for still doing it. I never thought I'd still be breast feeding at 7 months.

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    1. How are you doing over all?
    Ok I guess I have nothing to complain about since I meet his needs and I can put away about 4 oz per day still.  However, my supply has dropped drastically, I never feel full anymore and I feel like it is dropping a little bit more every week.

    2. Have your end goals changed/stayed the same?
    Still trying to make it to 1 year with EBM.  No change

    3. Any problems?  New or old?
    My nipps hurt at every pump session now.  Even slathering with the Lanolin isnt helping much.  I wonder if the pain is more mental than physical b/c mentally I am so done with pumping.  I am tired of waking 30 mins early to pump and staying up 30 mins later and loosing 30 mins of my lunch break.

    4. Anything else you want to add?
    I hate my pump.  I am seriously considering FF my next kid.

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    And Kimbo...1,000 ounces!!!  You are the cat's pajamas! That is awesome. With my next child I will be  A LOT more diligent about pumping during maternity leave to build up a stash. 

    Haha.  You think that's impressive?  vigurl has way more.  I want to say at least 3000, but it may be more like 5000.  I just couldn't imagine.  lol.

    I started pumping at really early as I went back to work after only 1 month off.  So I think that helped get my supply up in the early days.  There is part of me that regrets it (as we only nurse once a day now), but I'm also glad that I was able to build up a bit of an oversupply.

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    1. How are you doing over all?  Right now, not the greatest :/

    2. Have your end goals changed/stayed the same?  I still want to go for a year, but that's seeming more and more difficult at this moment.

    3. Any problems? New or old?  As you all probably know... TEETH are a major problem right now.  My boobs are wrecked, and I pretty much cry every time she nurses.  Also, we have cut WAY down on the night feedings.  We weren't doing any for a few nights there, but now we are back to at least one a night because she's been waking up and screaming... like inconsolable screaming until she gets to nurse.  So I am now worried about my supply.

    4. Anything else you want to add?  No, I guess that's it.  I'm pretty discouraged right now, hoping that this teeth issue resolves itself so we can continue EBF.   

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    1. How are you doing over all?
    We're good, though I'm getting a bit anxious for her to start eating more per session and drop down from 8-10 a day.  Sometimes it's just a bit much and I get a bit sore.

    2. Have your end goals changed/stayed the same?
    I had planned on EBFing until 6 months so we've reached and surpassed that goal.  I actually would like to wean her but we have to fix the bottle strike issue before I can even think about that.  Also, we're sleep training right now and I don't want to shake too many things up at the same time.

    3. Any problems? New or old?
    I've always had nipple pain issues that come and go, so I'm a bit tired of feeling that.  We are down to abot 1-2 feedings a night though so I'm excited about that (she used to eat every 2-3 hours around the clock).

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    1. We're doing really well. I dropped a pumping session in favor of sleep, but I still get enough to send all fresh to daycare. We haven't had to supplement at all.

    2. Same as I started with: pump to a year while breastfeeding, then breastfeed morning and night for as long as she's interested.

    3. Other than hating my pump? No. lol.
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    1. How are you doing over all? Not too bad. I started supplementing because she seemed unhappy with the amount of milk she was getting in a bottle. So now she gets about 4 ounces of breast milk and two ounces of formula when she's with my dad. She's been much more content doing that. Nursing in the evenings is still going pretty well. She usually falls asleep after nursing, and isn't fussy after nursing, so I guess she's getting enough from me! I just don't respond well to the pump....so I always have to hand express afterward.

    2. Have your end goals changed/stayed the same? Still pretty much the same. I originally said six months, and that's come and gone now... I'm not sure I'll be able to keep up with her for the full year, so I'm looking at a goal of nine months and then I'll go from there.

    3. Any problems?  New or old? I've given up on losing weight while nursing. I just can't go back to the only diet that's ever worked for me and nurse at the same time... So, while I eat healthy, my portions are pretty outta whack right now.

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    1. How are you doing over all? Really well! Most of the time her enthusiasm for feeding, and ability to express it now, cracks me up. Her distractability is another story, lol!

    2. Have your end goals changed/stayed the same? I think my overall goal has always been to not buy formula and that's still the case. Not sure how long we'll go though.

    3. Any problems?  New or old? NIP has become a big pain at a restaurants. I prefer the privacy of a booth but a lot of times there isn't enough room btw me and the table these days. I've also had one of those nipple pimples for almost a month now and it can send excruciating twinges of pain through my boob sometimes. Hopefully it's almost gone.

    4. Anything else you want to add? We're 3 days from 8 months!! I'm so thankful and proud to have been able to make it this far.


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    DD born 5/15/11
    DS born 11/12/12
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    1. How are you doing over all? Crappy lately on every front

    2. Have your end goals changed/stayed the same? changed-- I originally was going to BF her until she decided she was going to stop. I guess I'll let her nurse as long as she wants, but I have a feeling she's already getting frustrated with it. As for BM, I'm going to pump like a maniac until she's 1, then I'm going to start cutting out pumping sessions and I'll put other beverages in her bottles- hope to be done pumping (although I'll still nurse nights/mornings) in August when we start TTC

    3. Any problems?  New or old? supply supply supply, it just keeps going farther and farther down. I have one milk donor and a potential second one lined up. I'm hoping to get her to 1yr on EBM, but I have a feeling we will have to start adding formula around 9 months. Also having a NEW problem- she gets frustrated and pulls on and off while whining- I keep switching her, and I know its not that I'm empty b/c I can see/feel the milk, but it's like it's so low flow she's getting ticked. I REALLY don't want to stop nursing altogether, so I'm trying to figure out how to get her to love it again.

    4. Anything else you want to add?

    When I had lots of milk, it was easy to dismiss the naysayers. Now that I'm super super low, it's really hard and feels VERY hurtful when people say "you should just give her formula" or "breastfeeding is gross". I know I need to have a thicker skin, but when you've been struggling so hard, it feels like a slap for people to make comments.

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    1. How are you doing over all? EP'ing is going ok here.

    2. Have your end goals changed/stayed the same? Still trying to make it to the one year goal.  I have accidentally dropped a pumping session by losing track of time for a few days and thinking I may stick with just 3 instead of 4 pumps a day. 

    3. Any problems?  New or old? I have not been able to freeze any excess in milk in some time now and have been using about 4 oz of frozen a day so hopefully we can sustain and make it to a year. 

    4. Anything else you want to add? Just good job ladies!  Its tough but we all should be proud to make it this far!!


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    Doing well. We hit a snag; we discovered he has a milk protein allergy. I cut dairy out of my diet (awesome diet plan btw, I think I've lost 10 lbs since!) and he's doing better. I never really set a goal for how long I'd nurse him, just following his cues. But he is so obsessed with my boobs, I fear I'll be doing this until he's in junior high.
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    1. How are you doing over all?

    Doing great. He's nursing well. Pretty quick actually.  I'm really enjoying it more than in the beginning. 

    2. Have your end goals changed/stayed the same? 

    My initial goal was 6 months. We've passed that and now I'm aiming for a year but I can see myself nursing past then. I never considered that before. 

    3. Any problems?  New or old?

    Teeth are sharp. He isn't really biting but they scrape a little when he eats, so we are dealing with that. 

    4. Anything else you want to add?

    I absolutely love BFing and I'm so glad I have you all for support. There is only one person in my immediate family (Dh's aunt) that has breastfed. Keep it up ladies!


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    As we are all around the 7 month marker (+/-), I just thought I'd post another check-in for BMPs of all kinds (part-time, full-time, EP, EBF....).  I like doing these because I think it's helpful for us to see how everyone is doing, and to know we aren't alone.  So...

    1. How are you doing over all? I'm really happy with how things are going!

    2. Have your end goals changed/stayed the same? My big goal was always a year.  I never really thought about nursing beyond a year when I was pregnant.  Now I'm pretty sure we won't stop at a year.  I'll play it by ear once we get there.

    3. Any problems?  New or old?  I am so relieved that our weight gain issues are behind us!  I am so proud of her little milk belly!

    4. Anything else you want to add? I nurse her to sleep for almost every nap and nighttime.  I've been thinking of working on ending the nurse to sleep habit with NCSS but I feel conflicted about it.  I don't think I'm ready to give it up, but I'm afraid we'll have more sleep problems later on.  I seriously go back and forth about it all day long.  I need to just be happy things are going well and once I can (very gently, very carefully) put her down she sleeps pretty well.


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    1. How are you doing over all? Great! He's 6 1/2 months and has never had anything but BM. I'm very proud of the both of us.

    2. Have your end goals changed/stayed the same? I really loathe to pump, so I won't pump past a year. I don't see a problem keeping morning/night nursings as needed after though.

    3. Any problems?  New or old? TEETH. He's always been a biter (clamper?) but now I am getting really afraid. And he only has one teeny tooth!

    4. Anything else you want to add? Oatmeal. It works. I've gotten 4+ more ounces a day since I started eating oatmeal for breakfast every day.

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    1. How are you doing over all?

    I am doing so much better now that I can eat dairy and soy again.  I went through a rough time around Christmas where I was not producing enough milk so I was pumping all the time, couldn't use my stash (like 200 oz) because it was from when I could eat dairy and soy and I really just had a meltdown.  After the holidays I just couldn't take not eating any more so I tested out soy for a couple weeks and now I have added dairy back in a little at a time.  Preston has had no reaction yet!! I am eating more so my supply is coming back and now I feel I can use my stash.  I am so relieved and now believe I can make it to my year goal!!

    2. Have your end goals changed/stayed the same?

    My goal has always been a year.  I am excited to make it to a year and plan on celebrating when I get to that point.  After that I will happily transition to WCM.

    3. Any problems? New or old?

    No problems now.  Pumping hurts every so often so I use nipple butter a lot!

    4. Anything else you want to add?

    If it weren't for the ideas/advice on these boards I probably wouldn't have been able to make it this far.  My friends that have babies around my son's age have all switched to formula already.  Not that anything is wrong with that, but I always felt encouraged to continue breastfeeding after reading posts on this board and the breastfeeding board. 

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    1. How are you doing over all?  Doing great!2. Have your end goals changed/stayed the same? Stayed the same-1 year3. Any problems?  New or old? Nope4. Anything else you want to add?  I am trying to adjust my head to stopping in June.  I know it will be hard to stop.....just another sign she is getting older but if I start thinking about it now I'll be ready in 5 months. ;)

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    As we are all around the 7 month marker (+/-), I just thought I'd post another check-in for BMPs of all kinds (part-time, full-time, EP, EBF....).  I like doing these because I think it's helpful for us to see how everyone is doing, and to know we aren't alone.  So...

    1. How are you doing over all?  Great.

    2. Have your end goals changed/stayed the same?  My goal is to feed her until she self weans.  That's usually btwn 2-3.  She has a milk allergy and also has problems with large doses of soy, so formula would be super expensive.

    3. Any problems?  New or old?  She won't drink her bottle when I'm away.  No supply problems.

    4. Anything else you want to add?  I love BF so much.  I'm so grateful things have gone well for us. 


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    1. How are you doing over all? Doing well. Nursing at home, pumping at work. DD doesn't take a whole lot from bottles while at DC (about 7-10 ounces), so I'm able to keep up with that by only pumping twice at work. I have a decent freezer stash that I'm trying to rotate through.

    2. Have your end goals changed/stayed the same? My goal was a year. I'm still hoping to make it! After hearing from you ladies about teeth, I'm a little worried, but we'll see! I would be open to BF after a year, which I never really considered before.

    3. Any problems?  New or old? No big problems. DD is pretty distracted these days, but that's ok.

    4. Anything else you want to add? We had a lot of struggles the first 2.5 weeks, and I considered quitting so many times. I'm so thankful for my mom, DH and our lactation consultant!

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    1. How are you doing over all?

    We are doing great. We both still love it.  

    2. Have your end goals changed/stayed the same?

    My big goal is a year and that has stayed the same. I would like to stop pumping after a year and continue to BF until she self weens. I work 2 nights a week and pump 3 times while at work. I also pump once before going to bed. It makes me sad that we are more than half way there so who knows what I will do as it gets closer.

    3. Any problems?  New or old?

    Old...my supply is lowest at night so I give DD a 2oz bottle of BM between sides for her last nursing session of the night. Not sure this is a problem but it's something I tried to phase out and I haven't been able to. I pump before I go to bed so I have plenty of milk to give her without having to use my freezer stash.

    New....DISTRACTION!!! I think she is eating less because she can't focus on eating. We are down to BFing in her room in the dark. No bumping, no phone calls, no dogs, no dh....it sucks. NIP has become a joke. DD thinks the nursing cover is a peek-a-boo blanket and spends more time giglling than eating. We are down to nursing in the car so she can focus. I have never felt like I need to hide while NIP but now I am forced to because DD won't eat unless it's in a boring environment.

    Any suggestions?

    4. Anything else you want to add?

    I am thankful we have made it this far.I have not had a pp AF but am terrified of how it will effect my supply.

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    1. How are you doing over all? Doing great! I left my job in mid-Dec. and now I'm a SAHM. I surely don't miss having to pump 3 times per day 5 days a week, like I did when I went back to work for 3 months. I definitely applaud FT working moms who are able to keep up with that for a whole year. I would have done it, but it definitely wasn't fun. It's so much easier to just breastfeed DD straight from the tap! :)

    2. Have your end goals changed/stayed the same? My original goal was to breastfeed for 1 year. I now feel comfortable with extending my goal to 2 years, if DD would like.

    3. Any problems?  New or old? No problems

    4. Anything else you want to add? I had no idea how much I would enjoy the bond I have with DD because of BF. It was tough for about the first 6 weeks and then after I had to return to work and pump while I was a way from her, but overall, it's been a wonderful experience! 

    BabyFruit Ticker

    DH: 34/Me: 35
    Married: Feb 2008
    DD: June 2011
    TTC# 2: April 2014
    BFP!! 8/29/16 --> EDD: 5/11/17....it's a GIRL!!! :)
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    1. How are you doing over all? Overall, we're still good. We haven't had to supplement with formula. My supply seems to be dropping though. Since I've been back at work, I've had to gradually go from pumping twice per day to three times to four times in order to keep up with her. And my freezer stash is totally gone now.

    2. Have your end goals changed/stayed the same? I was pretty gung ho about making it to one year in the beginning. Now I'm more at peace with the idea that I might not last that long. I'll keep doing it as long as I can, up to a year. I have no desire to keep BFing longer than that.

    3. Any problems?  New or old? Just my supply dropping a bit

    4. Anything else you want to add? I am very grateful to have the ability to BF, but I'm really excited that I'm more than halfway to one year. I can't wait to have my boobs back to myself!

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    1. How are you doing over all? Great! We are going strong. Nursing her is my favorite thing to do.

    2. Have your end goals changed/stayed the same? When I was pregnant, my main goal was 1 year. Now I'm thinking about going to 2. I am open to letting her self wean, but I'll have to play it by ear. At this point, I'm not really interested in going past 2, so we'll see how she feels.

    3. Any problems?  New or old? New- I just returned to work PT in the past month, and she barely takes any milk when I'm gone. She never took a bottle, so we give her a sippy cup. She can get milk out of it, but she'll only take an oz or so and then she's done. I'm worried she won't be making up the calories, but she does take some solids, and we bedshare, so I don't care if she reverse cycles on the few days a week I work. I'm just worried if she's eating well and often enough, but I know I shouldn't... since she can drink out of the cup, if she needs more milk, she'll take it. It's just stressful to me.

    4. Anything else you want to add? I am in awe of any and all working moms who are still BFing, whether or not you supplement. I'm working very PT and it's still challenging! So good for you.


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