July 2012 Moms

HCG levels?

Did anyone get betas done? I just got the results of my first one today, and I was at 66 at 3w6d. My doctor said that was low, but the online charts I saw said the range was 5-450 and another website said the average was 50-100 for 4 weeks. What were your numbers? I'm just a tad worried now. Of course we need to see if it doubles, and I'm probably fine, but still. On the plus side my progesterone was good. When I had my ectopic I didn't even get a faint positive until 4w2d and my progesterone was low, so I'm probably ok this time.

 Edit: Just because I'm anal, here is my pee stick progression. Looks ok, right?


GlitterPhoto GlitterPhoto
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Together since 5/08 ~ Married 6/19/10 ~ TTC #1 since 8/10
BFP#1 3/26/11 ~ EDD 12/2/11 ~ Ectopic Twins left tube 7w3d
BFP#2 11/2/11 ~ EDD 7/14/12 ~ Robert Edgar born 7/18/12
BFP#3 9/28/13 ~ EDD 5/20/14 ~ Benjamin Clarence born 5/15/14

Re: HCG levels?

  • Wow! We just basically wrote the same thing! haha Well, at 3w1d my levels were 6.4 and they said it was pretty low but that I am still pretty early (I was only 9dpo then) we just did it again today 4w 0 d and Im at 251.4. So, who knows...we seem to hear different things. 

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    Kyle is 1 year, 3 months and so many days. (My freaking tickers won't upload)

    Baby #4 is Due August 9, 2015.

  • Snooping from the June board:

    66 is perfectly awesome.  You really only need those numbers to increase by about 66% in 48 hours(according to my OB).  Push for more than 2 beta draws if it comforts you.  I'd also advise waiting for an u/s as a PGAL girl until after 6 weeks.   

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  • Mine was 22 at 3w6d.  The important thing is they double every 48hrs.  I wouldn't worry until you see your next draw numbers.
    Gabriel Joseph 6/13/2010
    BFP#2: 8/14/11 M/C 8/30/11 6w1d
    BFP #3: 10/26/11
    Beta #1 @11dpo: 22 Beta #2 @13dpo: 90 Beta #3 @17dpo: 480
    Missed m/c 12w3d 12/28/11, d&c 12/30/11
    dx Homozygous C677T MTHFR image image
  • I just got my results...my #s were 46 at 3 weeks 5 days and 135 at 4 weeks 0 days. My progesterone was 21.1 at 3 weeks 4 days. My doctor said the #s look really good. I have lost 3 prior pregnancies and my #s were never this high.
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  • Mine were really low, but they are rising fine.  My hcg was a 9 at 9 or 10 DPO, two days later 39, and three days after that, 192.  My progesterone has been great.  I'm nervous too, but my doc is happy, so I'll stay positive! :)
    TTC since 2010
    High FSH/Low AMH - DX DOR March/April/May 2011 Clomid - BFN; 6/2011 Femara - BFN
    July 2011 Femara + IUI - BFN
    August 2011 Injectables + IUI - BFN
    Surprise BFP 11/2/11!!!
    Beta #1 - 9; Beta #2 - 39; Beta #3 - 197!! Yay!!
    11/19/11 - we have a heartbeat! Get comfy, baby! Baby girl born 7/12/12, she's perfect! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imagembs79:

    Snooping from the June board:

    66 is perfectly awesome.  You really only need those numbers to increase by about 66% in 48 hours(according to my OB).  Push for more than 2 beta draws if it comforts you.  I'd also advise waiting for an u/s as a PGAL girl until after 6 weeks.   

    They won't let me have and ultrasound before 7 weeks anyway. Thanks, that makes me feel better.

    GlitterPhoto GlitterPhoto
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
    Together since 5/08 ~ Married 6/19/10 ~ TTC #1 since 8/10
    BFP#1 3/26/11 ~ EDD 12/2/11 ~ Ectopic Twins left tube 7w3d
    BFP#2 11/2/11 ~ EDD 7/14/12 ~ Robert Edgar born 7/18/12
    BFP#3 9/28/13 ~ EDD 5/20/14 ~ Benjamin Clarence born 5/15/14
  • 9DPO: 14

    13DPO: 178

    15DPO: 491

    17DPO: 1035 ... ultrasound scheduled for tomorrow, 21DPO (5 weeks)

    Like others have said, the number doesn't matter as much as the doubling time. Good luck!

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    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • imageballerina06:
    Mine was 22 at 3w6d.  The important thing is they double every 48hrs.  I wouldn't worry until you see your next draw numbers.
    This. It's not so much the actual number that's important as whether or not it doubles with in 48-72 hours. As long as you're doubling, your good
    photo e9455f4d-9751-469e-a19f-460104cd2e5c.jpg photo jan15.jpg
    BFP #1 5/20/10 Natural MC at 5w4d 5/28/10
    BFP #2 11/3/10; BO at u/s 10w6d 12/16/10; Natural MC 1/7/11; D&C 4/21/11
    BFP #3 10/27/11 Please stick, LO!! 2/6/12 It's a Girl! Alexis Grace born 6/29/12
    BFP#4 4/27/14 Stick, stick, stick!! 8/11/14 It's a Boy! Evan Wesley born 1/8/15
    "Patience is waiting. Not passively waiting. That is laziness. But to keep going when the going is hard and slow, that is patience."  Let it Be (blog)My BFP Charts
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    This time I'm not leaving without you.
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  • imageKyleRules:
    I was just lurking but wanted to say CONGRATS! I remember you from TTC after a loss- ectopic survivors! So good to see you on a month board!! :)


    GlitterPhoto GlitterPhoto
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
    Together since 5/08 ~ Married 6/19/10 ~ TTC #1 since 8/10
    BFP#1 3/26/11 ~ EDD 12/2/11 ~ Ectopic Twins left tube 7w3d
    BFP#2 11/2/11 ~ EDD 7/14/12 ~ Robert Edgar born 7/18/12
    BFP#3 9/28/13 ~ EDD 5/20/14 ~ Benjamin Clarence born 5/15/14
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