March 2012 Moms

Physical Therapy Update

Went in this morning. It was awesome! I feel a tiny bit better. My SI Joint is totally spazzing out. She thinks we can get my pain to a 3 or 4 and no longer an 8 or 9 and hopefully I'll be able to walk at night with out hobbling. 

She has me doing some exercises and wants me to try to get on the elliptical a few times a week to help loosen it out a bit. Also hot tub for 10 minutes after my work out to avoid it spazzing again. She said 10 minutes in a hot tub will do no harm at all, especially since our complex hot tub is kept at like 105

I'm going to see her once-twice a week for the next 8 weeks. She also thinks it would be benificial for me to just continue throughout my pregnancy so she was going to send a memo to my OB.

Best part? Cause its "prescription" its covered under our global Maternity coverage and I don't have to pay a thing for it. =)


Re: Physical Therapy Update

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    awww that's so great PK! i was wondering how that went! i hope it starts working and you can get some relief. I love that it's gonna be covered  :)
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    AWWW yay! okay i am trying chiro and if it doesnt help i may have to do PT. My insurance isnt covering anything pregnancy related to all of it will be out of pocket :(
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    AWWW yay! okay i am trying chiro and if it doesnt help i may have to do PT. My insurance isnt covering anything pregnancy related to all of it will be out of pocket :(

    I will say, since your OOP I would highly suggest one that is a prenatal physical therapist. Might as well have someone who is good at helping pregnant women since your paying either way 

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