30 Weeks Pregnant

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Re: Welcome to 30 Weeks!

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    i have what I would call an unusual problem. I take prilosec for heartburn, but- about every other time I take it, I seem to get very bad diarreah. I can't tell if it's from the pill or from something I am eating that just doesn't agree with me. I haven't had this problem in other pregnancies, but, I was just wondering if anyone else has this problem or an idea of what could be causing it?


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    You are not alone!  For about 2 weeks I have been having diarrhea on and off and this week the WORST heartburn/reflux.  I think it has something to do with milk products.  I have not gained but 2 pounds my whole pregnancy so I was sent to a nutritionist and began drinking milk every morning (along with eating every 3 hours).  At first I did not have an issue but all of a sudden with in 30 mins of finishing my  morning chocolate milk I would be screaming to the bathroom.  This week I stopped drinking whole milk and got lactose free milk...it has curbed the issue a little.  I am just worried that I have some other issue going on!! Sorry to vent just a little concerned.  I need to keep the food with me :)  Never thought I would want to gain!  
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    Has anyone else had problems with regular contractions?

    I had to go in to the hospital 2 days in a row because I was having regular contractions that they could not link to anything. All of the tests they ran came back negative & ultimately on the 2 day they had to give me a shot to get them to stop. This was just shy of a week ago & so far so good (fingers crossed).

    I had no other indications of pre-term labor & my cervix was completely as it should be (not dilated or starting to thin), I was told  to be sure to come back if they picked up again at 5 or more in an hour.

     Anyone else have this happening about now?

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    Not now, but I had it with my first LO at 26 weeks. Apparently, it's relatively common to have them even earlier than that https://bit.ly/y8iyD8

    Everything turned out fine, but it scared the bejeezus out of me having them so early. I'm sure you'll be fine too!

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    Well, I made it to 30 weeks!  YAY!  Only 10 more to go - 69 days left my ticker says.  My shower is in 2.5 weeks, so I'm looking forward to getting all my baby necessities and seeing what is left on my list to get everything together.  Congrats to everyone, we are on the downhill slide from here!
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    YES! In fact had to go the Dr. yesterday becuase of 3 straight days of not being to keep food in my tummy longer than 5 min! Dr said to lay off the Prilosec and start Pepto Bismal. So far so good! Food staying in, no heartburn, feeling soo much better! Good Luck!!!!!
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    This week I am experiencing more discomfort that ever. I can never get comfortable in bed or at work. I am getting barely any sleep so I am exhausted and moody. I can tell the last few months of this pregnancy are going to suck. Plus I am not on maternity leave until I am 34 weeks.

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    I am 30 weeks, & my back hurts so bad, I work at the Zoo, in the heat and have not thought about maternity leave until recently. It is 97 deg today. HOT, Is anyone else working or going on maternity leave any time soon?
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    I'm working also. I work as a CNA so basically a whole lot of lifting and on my feet all day. I'd like to keep working until the end of July...that's my goal anyway.

    Sometimes I wonder if I'll make it, I get sooo tired. But I think if I took leave too early I'd be bored silly...

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    Well, I made it to 30 weeks!  Only 10 more to go my shower is in 2weeks, so I'm looking forward to getting all my baby necessities and seeing what is left on my list to get everything together. I cant wait for mommy baby boy!
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    Whoohoo! 30 weeks! Let the count down begin! Congrats to us all!
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    30 weeks here too! baby boy kicks and punches HARD most of the day. He's strong! my back's killing me, and I can't find any comfy sleeping position, but I'm so happy I'm this close to meeting my boy! 


    Congrats to you all! 

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    I am experiencing the same strong kicks and punches and I'm having a boy too. Seems like every week I get more and more excited about his arrival as well.  Congratulations and good luck to you!!
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    I've got one heck of a kicker here, but it's really awesome that we are so close to being done
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    I hate to sound bratty but I can still sleep comfortably (I'm very thankful) and even sleep on my back sometimes! I have had to start using breathe right strips to keep my nasal passages open (they swell up too!). My sciatica has really toned down but I do feel generally tired and worn out... maybe this is due to juggling a 2 year old and a FT job, i'm not sure.

    As far as maternity leave I plan on working until I go into labor! I only get 12 weeks off so I want all of that time with my little daughter! With my son I took a week or two off before my due date and ended up being a week late so I wasted three weeks at home before he was born that I could have had after his arrival! I can fully understand taking earlier maternity leave with a physically demanding job -  -I am a desk jockey so it's easier to work further into the pregnancy!

    I'm excited to meet my little girl but I;m also a little sad that this will most likely be my last pregnancy. Pregnancy is such a special time in your life and its here and then gone! Enjoy your last weeks ladies! There is nothing more wonderful than feeling your completely content baby kicking away inside you - they are completely cared for in your womb. They never need or want anything, it is all there for them, delivered instantly!

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    Congrats to all for making it this far. I need some advice. I went to the doctor last week. I was having some braxton hicks. Doctor told don't worry bout it until they are like 5min apart. Now I have some pelvic pressure mostly when I walk and if I have to go pee it instensifies. I have come to get use to get. I was wondering if this is normal or should I contact my doctor right away? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!  

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    Finally feels like the real count down can begin! Am I the only one that's starting to feel REALLY uncomfortable lately?


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    Week 30!! So excited getting closer to meeting my littl girl.  My feet are so puffy its difficult to find shoes for work but I am trying to be positive.  Starting to get uncomfortable but i'm seeing the finish line now. 

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    I am also juggling a 2 yo girl and expecting girl #2. Very excited but very ready to be done with pregnancy. It has been easy but I'm over it. Can't wait to meet the little munchkin and introduce Alicia to her baby sister. It's most excititg for me since I don't have siblings so I'm embarking into a whole new world. Good luck to all the other mommies!
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    I have had 3 bouts with having to go in for contractions and they say it's nothing I wish they'd figure out what is wrong
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    Might want to try zantac if your OB says it's ok...as far as foods to avoid you might relate to what this website says https://histamino.wordpress.com/category/histamine-intolerance/
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    Congrats to all of u and I cant wait to meet my new bundle of joy!!!!!!!!

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    This is my second baby- I worked the up until the actual day I went into labor- infact I went to work while I was in labor.  Labor can tak SOOOOOOOOOO long-- for me I went becasue I thought it might be false labor- and figured I needed to get some things done- about half way through the morning I decided that even if it was false labor I'd rather do it at home.  So I went home and about 4 hours later had baby.  For me sitting at home WAITING for baby would be agony agony agony... So I wont be strating my maternity leave until after the baby is born- then I can use all that time for bonding with my little man!
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    I do the same thing. I had to leave early i gained too much weight and standing on my feet all day was horrible. My body is just not used to it. And also some of the client are not so safe to be around .
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    I have an anterior placenta so I feel movement but not very strong or a lot at all.

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    I understand the back pain (and hip pain in my case)! I just bought one of those Maternity Support bands thathas a belly pad, back support and a strap for above th e belly (from Babies R Us). It's a life saver! I wore it for an hour and the pain subsided. I am lucky enough to be a college instructor, so I am now off for the summer. Good luck and hang in there!
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