Single Parents

new to board

Dh and I have been togher for 5 1/2 years.  DD is almost 8 months and 3 months ago I walked out with her.  The fun has just begun.  Im back with my parents-god bless.  Im in the process of moving all my stuff out and getting him to take care of stuff and put them in his name and get loans for the new truck thats stupidly in my name cause i didnt think that I would be leaving him a few short months after purchasing it and our home.  I was trying to let him get this done while he had a fighting chance to get a loan before child support started. As soon as I can get my stuff out and get the money for the lawyer I will file for divorce.  I dont see having her and him only getting visitation a problem cause he never really makes an effort to spend time with her.  In the 3 months hes seen her 7 times including holidays.  I know its all for the best and im happy theres a board to talk with you all and have some support

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