Birth Stories

RP from 3rd tri: Kyle's Birth Story

The story of Kyle?s Birth   On Monday December 10 I had a normally scheduled Doctor?s appointment.  I had been having a lot of trouble sleeping and was increasingly getting more and more uncomfortable so I was really hoping when she examined me I might be making some progress.  On the way to the Doctor?s office I started to have contractions, that were pretty uncomfortable and timeable at about 9 to 11 minutes apart.  (I had wondered if you would know the difference between a real contraction and a Braxton hicks because I had been having a lot of Braxton hicks and believe me, for me there was no doubt that there was difference).  When my Dr. examined me she said I was 80% effaced and a solid 2 centimeters.  That was some progress from the week before at 1 cm and 75% effaced but not a ton.  On the way home from the Doctor?s office, the contractions start to intensify and the time starts to decrease.  I go do some errands on the way, business as usual, but I call DH and tell him what?s going on just so he is in the loop.  He tell me he know today is not the day.  He has a meeting to go to a couple of hours away, and today really won?t work for him, but he?s not worried because he knows today is not the day.  As the morning progresses one of the girls that work for me comes to my house to work for the afternoon.  At this point the contractions are getting closer, and stronger, but I am trying my best to hold it together and keep working.  I have a lot of work to get done.  I do start writing them down and they are clearly 5 to 6 minutes apart.  I call DH again and say, I really don?t think you should go to the meeting I think this is it.  He says, I am getting worked up and it isn?t it.  By 1pm the contractions are 4 to 5 minutes apart.  At 2:30 I decide I need to call the Dr.  When the Doctor?s office calls me back they tell me to go directly to labor and deliver.  I call DH, who has just walked into his meeting 2 hours away and say guess what I am on the way to labor and delivery.  He says, ?are you sure you need to do that?? My friend who was supposed to be working at my house for the day ends up driving me to labor and deliver.  When we get there one of the triage nurses tells my labor and delivery nurse that she doesn?t think I am in really labor because I seem very calm, in pain but too calm.  Next as they are taking all my info the labor and delivery nurse asks if my water has broken yet, and I say no, and literally as soon as I say it, my water breaks with a big gush.  I think we where both a little shocked by it!  Finally they give me an internal because I am asking if they think I might be able to get the epidural.  They seem like they are pretty much doubting we are at that point yet, but lo and behold I am at 5cm.  (I told everyone I was in real labor!)  My husband is on the phone with my friend freaking out a little now, (but not enough to end his meeting and take off he actually pitched these people his product before he left).  By the time he gets to the hospital at 6:30pm I have the epidural and am pretty much calmly hanging out. At about 9pm I was at 8cm, and at 10:30 I was at 9cm.  At this point though I spike a huge temp, and started shaking uncontrollably.  Kind of came up out of nowhere.  My temp climbed to 102 before I started pushing, and they determine it is time for me to get this baby out so I start to push.  I pushed for just over an hour, and delivered my precious, beautiful son right at 12:20.  We joke he took his time coming out because he wanted to be born on his grandfather (my Dad?s birthday).  I had 2nd degree tearing, and it took them a while to get my uterus to contract back to where it should be to stop the bleeding but I was fine. After the deliver my temp rose again to 102.7.  Both Kyle and I were put on IV antibiotics.  The only bad part about his deliver was that after he was born, they had to put an IV in him.  Because he has very tough veins like his Mom it took them over 2 hours to get it in him.  I didn?t get to hold him until after that, so I had to look at him across the room for 2 hours.  Then once I got to hold him for a few minutes they took off with him again to start the treatment and run all his blood work.  He was born at 12:20 am and it was 6:30 am before I got to have him back and try to nurse.  At that point he was so tired it was really hard to get him to do anything.  In fact we are still having problems nursing I believe because we started out this way.  Otherwise, everything is perfect.  Being a Mom is awesome, my son is so beautiful and so far a very quiet baby.  He is one week old today and already I can?t imagine life without him!  
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