Babies: 0 - 3 Months

How much sleep were you getting

when LO was 1-2 weeks old ?

I feel like I'm lucky to get 2 hours hear and there, since I have to wake LO every 3 hrs to eat. By the time we change diaper, eat 20min, and burp and keep her upright for a little so she do not spit up. I get no sleep !

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Re: How much sleep were you getting

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    ugggghhhhh.....don't bring back the bad memories.......just keep your head down and get thru it!
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    It gets better. Whether or not you believe me. Oh, and I had a preemie--I got about 15 minutes a day. For reals.
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    DD will sleep a 4 hour stretch when I first put her down and then wakes up every 3 hours after that. Most days she is up for an hour after a 4am/5am feeding. Then DS is up between 630 and 7 so some days I am awake at 5am. I actually am not that tired this time around but with DS I was exhausted. So what your LO is doing is normal. It gets easier, just make sure you take at least one nap during the day when your LO naps.

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    oh and if you're looking for advice - here's mine:  invite people you're comfortable with to come visit you during the day (during the week) and they can watch LO while you nap.  naps are the BESTTTT!  just ask, you'll be surprised who will love to watch your screaming baby!  and, if you need light at the end of the tunnel - we turned a major corner at 8 weeks so you only have like 6 more weeks to go!  =)
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    ugggghhhhh.....don't bring back the bad memories.......just keep your head down and get thru it!


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    It's all a big, sleep deprived blur.  It honestly felt like one, big, never ending day because I only got to sleep an hour or so here and there.  I'm pretty sure I hallucinated more than once.
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    when LO was 1-2 weeks old ?

    I feel like I'm lucky to get 2 hours hear and there, since I have to wake LO every 3 hrs to eat. By the time we change diaper, eat 20min, and burp and keep her upright for a little so she do not spit up. I get no sleep !

    This was pretty much us exactly!  I agree with pp about having people come over while you take a nap.  I did that many times.

    It does get better!

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    Umm...none?  I would feed DS for 45 minutes, put him down and fall asleep only to be awoken 45 minutes later by him crying again.  I still tried to do stuff (wash dishes, clean, etc) too, for some reason.  Don't worry about all the extra stuff like that, try to get someone to watch baby, and sleep.  If you can't, don't worry.  It will end one day!  For now you've just got to muddle through.
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    just nap as much as you can! i seriously did not do anything except lay in bed and nurse those first few weeks.
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    I got a couple hours a day if I was lucky.  But I got it in 20 minute cat naps.  Again, if I was lucky.  It gets better.  Hang in there mama!
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    For the first 2 weeks I was seriously engorged so when LO would wake up every 2-3 hours, I would pump a little, try to get LO to latch on, pump again for 15 mins, then feed it to LO in a bottle then go wash all the pump parts and then change LOs diaper.  It was maddening!  I would get about 6 or 8 hours of sleep a day, but only because I didn't have any visitors and stayed in bed from 9 pm to 12 pm so I could sleep whenever I could!  
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    None.  Ever.  It was miserable.
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    Moms are supposed to sleep?  News to me!Wink
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