TTC After a Loss

****September WTO****


Re: ****September WTO****

  • chloe97chloe97 member
    edited September 2016
    @szwill86 @SoonToBeMommaHowe Lets have some June 3/4th babies. Yes- I looked up the potential due date. Only because I was hoping it was the June 5th- my birthday!

    If you've been reading my posts, you will see I'm super bipolar about this cycle, so if it doesn't work out- hopefully I'm not disappointed. DH and I did BD last night, so I should start my first real TWW since my loss in May.
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  • @SoonToBeMommaHowe I go back Saturday morning for another draw & u/s - I'll keep ya posted!  That will be CD16 so I don't know how much further past that they'll have me go before we stop.

    @chloe97 I am riding that bipolar train with you all the way!  If my body could get its act together, I think my brain would follow suit.
  • Oh dear!! Yay for O day!!

    I'm wondering if I should get some OPK, I've only monitored my O by temping, do you recommend any brands?
    Married 06.21.14 / TTC since 11.15 /
    BFP 01.03.2016 / MMC 6w5d D&C 02.2016 // BFP 05.06.16 / natural MC 05.12.16
    Benched 06.2016-08.2016 / TTC again 09.2016! On a diet. Cranky.
    BFP 10.02.2016 / NT scan at 12w looked normal / Anatomy scan at 20w everything ok
    Team blue! / EDD June 11th 2017
    DAVID ROGER was born on May 23rd at 37 weeks.

    Architect, Peruvian living in Chile. I love art, opera and good chocolate.
    Started PhD studies in Architecture on 2017.
    Fur mom of a rescued miniature poodle called Luke Skywalker.

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Lol @szwill86 I feel the same way! I was actually waiting downstairs neked at 5:30am  trying to catch DH before he headed to work!

    and @chloe97 I always look up due dates but told myself I wouldn't this time and look at that you already did it for me  B) So technically I didn't check and now I'm no longer curious. My MILs bday is 6/6 and my mom is 6/7 so they'd both be pretty pumped!

    FX for great results on CD16 @Aera11!

    @yolandamunoz a lot of people use dip strips but I get false surges so I only use Clear Blue Digital OPKs but they are wayyyy more expensive than wondfos
    DH - 34, Me - 32
    Married 7/13
    TTC #1 since 10/13
    BFP 2/4/15, MC twin boys at 18w3d 5/15
    IUI #1 2/25/16

  • Omg @soontobemommahowe I legit lol'ed at that thought. I did the same last night but DH came to bed with his breathe right on and biofreeze all over his body and said, "you have to tell me in advance if you want to before bed!"  :D

    and thank you, @chloe97 for checking the EDD bc I too do that. Glad to know I'm not the only BSC one around here! My niece's bday is 6/2 and my sister keeps saying I need to have a baby then, too!
  • @yolandamunoz - I use Wondfo OPKs bought on Amazon (make sure your buy from Wondfo - there are some "fakes" that look like Wondfos but aren't). These are dip strips that cost $35 for 100. I'm still working my way through this supply, and I bought it almost a year ago. They aren't "yes/no" like the digitals and can be harder to interpret, but they are cheap. I think once H and I are off the bench, I'll use the Wondfos to know when my surge is happening, and the digitals for a concrete positive.
  • chloe97chloe97 member
    edited September 2016
    Question about OPK (test strips). I got an almost positive OPK Wednesday night and Thursday morning. The second line was as dark as first, possibly a smidge darker Thursday am, but hard to quantify. This morning I had a temp spike .5 degrees and yesterday I felt what I assume are ovulation pains. This morning I took an OPK and the line is there, but just slightly lighter than my almost positives. I was under the impression when you ovulated that the 2nd line got a lot lighter than the first line. This is what happened in previous cycles for me. Has this happened to anyone else?

    etf words
  • @chloe97 could it just be the tail-end of your LH surge? Sometimes I get a temp spike like you got with a still positive OPK in the am but by mid afternoon/early evening my OPK is back to being negative again. 
  • szwill86szwill86 member
    edited September 2016
     So I need a little help interpreting- FF is saying that I Oed on CD 15 putting me at 2DPO now even though I didn't get a pos OPK till CD 16. Should I go by my temps or my OPKs? Or just wait a few more days? Ugh this is all confusing. 

    *edited bc the bump mobile app is posting blank posts for me. 
  • @szwill86 Ok so that's not unusual for the tail end of the LH surge to last another day? I will test when I get home from work today.
  • @chloe97 this cycle, the day after my positive the test line was lighter than my positives but still darker than I thought it would be in the morning, but by afternoon it lightened up quite a bit. So I agree with @szwill86 that it can last a little bit
  • @szwill86 I bet when you put higher temps in the next few days that your Odate will move. You can try entering what you suspect your next few temps will be today and see if it moves. I bet if you put a few low to mid 98 temps in, your o date will shift to 15.
  • @chloe97 thanks for the advice. I tried it and it did move it to the 16th. Now we'll see if that's really the case in the next few days! It felt weird to play around with fake temps- you might have created a monster of "what ifs" for me on future charts  :D
  • RiverSong15RiverSong15 member
    edited September 2016
    @chloe97 I usually get two days of almost positive OPKs and usually ovulate on the second day of the positive. It usually lightens up by 24 hours after first positive (I test 2-3x per day with Wondfos).
  • @chloe97 I've had trouble with opks the past few months and someone here (I can't remember who, sorry!) suggested I save them all on a sheet of paper with the date. That really helped me this month to determine when the darkest line appeared, as gross as it is to have a whole bunch of pee sticks taped to a sheet of paper lol. I think I had a positive at night and then again in the morning, it faded slightly the second night and then the 3rd day it was much lighter.
    TW*** Child and loss mentioned
    Married 10/12
    DS 11/14
    Ectopic 2/16
    PCOS/Ovulation Dysfunction 11/16
    IUI x 3- BFN
    Laparoscopy 3/17 Endo and tubal damage
    IVF- 4/17- 40 eggs retrieved, 10 blasts, 7 pgs tested embryos
    FET- 6/17- BFP!
    Due Feb 15, 2017
  • @szwill86 I lol'ed at creating a monster with what if charts, I am totally guilty of doing that.

    I go here now, CD1 and actually feeling really good about it. I had a rough week but it feels good to have a fresh start. I typically O around cd18-20 and I'm hoping to shorten that. any ideas? I read about raspberry leaf tea, acupuncture, and reflexology. 
    TW*** Child and loss mentioned
    Married 10/12
    DS 11/14
    Ectopic 2/16
    PCOS/Ovulation Dysfunction 11/16
    IUI x 3- BFN
    Laparoscopy 3/17 Endo and tubal damage
    IVF- 4/17- 40 eggs retrieved, 10 blasts, 7 pgs tested embryos
    FET- 6/17- BFP!
    Due Feb 15, 2017
  • Well I got my positive opk yesterday! This is a first for me!
  • @Cmckenzie Yay for a positive OPK! Three of us also got them yesterday, so now we have cycle quadruplets!

    @brooklyngirl18 I thought about doing the sheet, but never actually did it. I will have to remember to put tape and paper in the bathroom next cycle! Acupuncture and RRLT worked for me the first cycle to shorten it- I ovulated between cd14-16, but this cycle I ovulated at Cd 18. I'm pretty sure that CD 18 is my normal date as my pre-pregnancy because my cycles were 32 days on the dot for my 5 months off BC.
  • @brooklyngirl18 that was me with the taping opks to paper! Never thought about the fact that it's all pee sticks on there though, so thanks for that thought of months of pee papers stacked in my drawer.  :)
    Glad you're ok with CD 1. As for shortening, I tried raspberry tea leaf pills up until I'd get a positive OPK for 7 months before I got my first BFP- it didn't help me at all. I still would ovulate anywhere between CD 17-21. Now after my loss I've been Oing between CD 16-19, so I don't know if the RRTL was helping or hurting. Sorry I can't be more helpful with ideas!
  • Yay for positive OPKs @Cmckenzie . I'm one of your cycle buddies!! Hopefully you like bad influences when it comes to POAS bc I am  :#
    DH - 34, Me - 32
    Married 7/13
    TTC #1 since 10/13
    BFP 2/4/15, MC twin boys at 18w3d 5/15
    IUI #1 2/25/16

  • GRRR It's CD18... been temping all cycle and OPK's since CD10.. still no O.
    Last month I thought it was CD15 (pos OPK plus elevated temps 3 after). Now I'm just lost.

    I went back and analyzed my chart from the cycle I did conceive. We did the deed on CD 11, 13, 15, 16, 18 and then not again until CD 22, 25 28, and got the positive HPT on day 33 (about 3 days late- at the time my cycles were never more than 30 days).

    All this time I thought that pattern of every other day mid-cycle was what did the trick. Now I'm wondering if I actually O'd later that cycle and if that is why it didn't stick, or what this could mean... It's all like a really interesting, but extremely irritating and emotionally draining, science experiment.

    My husband and I had a long talk about the whole process last night, and both told each other our main fears. He recommended I stop obsessing over the charting and temping but to me... that's the one aspect of control I have over this. If I can't change it or fix it... I can at least document it.

    We've been BDing literally every other day since CD 4 so maybe this will be our cycle anyway and all this worrying is for nothing. One can only hope...

  • @e2theb is so hard to NOT be obsessive, right? I'm guilty of comparing each cycle to my cycle with my BFP.  I literally had sex two days before and the first day of my positive OPK and that was it and got a positive. But then there were cycles after my miscarriage where I had sex every day of my fertile window and only got BFNs. Some days it's so hard to be positive and other days I'm hopeful. FX for you that your every other day pattern will work this cycle!
  • @E2theB my husband also thinks I need to stop obsessing over my chart but i totally agree it's the one thing I can control in this uncontrollable journey. he was in denial that I was getting my period this week and kept saying 'well pms signs are the same as pregnancy signs' (someone has been googling). I told him yesterday flat out that i had a major temp drop and he asked what that meant so I showed him all my charts and he was like dude, you really need to chill. I explained that charting was necessary because he works midnights which has killed our sexlife so i need to know when to plan BD. very unromantic but this is what we're dealing with right now. 
    TW*** Child and loss mentioned
    Married 10/12
    DS 11/14
    Ectopic 2/16
    PCOS/Ovulation Dysfunction 11/16
    IUI x 3- BFN
    Laparoscopy 3/17 Endo and tubal damage
    IVF- 4/17- 40 eggs retrieved, 10 blasts, 7 pgs tested embryos
    FET- 6/17- BFP!
    Due Feb 15, 2017
  • Dear @SoonToBeMommaHowe and @RiverSong15 thank you for your advice. I live in Chile, though, and Amazon delivers but it takes an extra month. I will look up the brands you mentioned to see if we have them available here. 
    Married 06.21.14 / TTC since 11.15 /
    BFP 01.03.2016 / MMC 6w5d D&C 02.2016 // BFP 05.06.16 / natural MC 05.12.16
    Benched 06.2016-08.2016 / TTC again 09.2016! On a diet. Cranky.
    BFP 10.02.2016 / NT scan at 12w looked normal / Anatomy scan at 20w everything ok
    Team blue! / EDD June 11th 2017
    DAVID ROGER was born on May 23rd at 37 weeks.

    Architect, Peruvian living in Chile. I love art, opera and good chocolate.
    Started PhD studies in Architecture on 2017.
    Fur mom of a rescued miniature poodle called Luke Skywalker.

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • szwill86szwill86 member
    edited September 2016
    @brooklyngirl18 your husband works mids? Mine does, too. Or 3-11. It's the worst. I feel your pain about having to plan our sex life. Not romantical at all. 
  • I hear ya too ladies! Last 3 weeks DH gets home 7am *right* when I leave for work, I get home at 7pm *right* when he's leaving for work. We DTD 3 days before EWCM and hopefully will one day after (today) but that'll be about it. Have to do some better planning on this....
    Me: 39 DH: 39
    CP 1/25/16 4.5 weeks, developed Graves' disease
  • @szwill86 it's the worst! sorry you're dealing with it also. When he was in the academy jan-july he was 4-12, now its 11-7am. he switches to days next week i think for 2 months then back to 4-12 for 2 months. his schedule is killing me, i'm really hoping one of the 2 months he's on days i'll get ku but who knows.
    TW*** Child and loss mentioned
    Married 10/12
    DS 11/14
    Ectopic 2/16
    PCOS/Ovulation Dysfunction 11/16
    IUI x 3- BFN
    Laparoscopy 3/17 Endo and tubal damage
    IVF- 4/17- 40 eggs retrieved, 10 blasts, 7 pgs tested embryos
    FET- 6/17- BFP!
    Due Feb 15, 2017
  • @brooklyngirl18 as if trying to DTD at the right times wasn't hard enough, throw in only seeing each other for certain days that he's off and you're around and hoping that it falls during your fertile window. Sorry that we can commiserate over this together lol FX for the upcoming times he's on days to do the trick for you guys!
  • @szwill86 thanks same to you!
    TW*** Child and loss mentioned
    Married 10/12
    DS 11/14
    Ectopic 2/16
    PCOS/Ovulation Dysfunction 11/16
    IUI x 3- BFN
    Laparoscopy 3/17 Endo and tubal damage
    IVF- 4/17- 40 eggs retrieved, 10 blasts, 7 pgs tested embryos
    FET- 6/17- BFP!
    Due Feb 15, 2017
  • **lurking from TWW** to say I also really would like to "obsess" less but also think we wouldn't BD enough or at the right times if I didn't push for it sometimes. DH's schedule can change daily so every cycle I'm hoping he won't be OOT during my FW. So far I've been lucky but I know I'll cry when it happens lol Sorry that others are struggling so much with this, too (and the fact that it basically forces us to chart and be on the ball) <3
  • I haven't participated in this thread yet because I'm supposed to be beched but I've been thinking about possibly trying and also wondering to myself if that is a very bad idea lol.  I'm 3 weeks post D&C and I just found out that my betas have dropped to 8. I feel like I am ovulating and have had ewcm but I haven't been charting or using ovulation tests since we were waiting for my first period.  So I know this could just be O symptoms without an actual O.  

    Has anyone ovulated post D&C with HCG still in your system? 

    I wish there was better research on the actual risk of trying immediately post D&C.  I know the risk is different for everyone and I would hope that my body would only get pregnant if it was ready but I fear another MC if I do get pregnant without being ready.  I know the smart thing to do is wait one cycle but part of me really doesn't want to.  Why is this all so hard??? 

    Can anyone relate? I feel slightly crazy lately and just needed to write this all out.  

  • I felt that way too @JessyKV. I forget how far along you were? The biggest issue for D&C is allowing your lining to recover. I've heard that it's good to wait 1-3 cycles to allow your lining to build back up. Mine was VERY thin my post-D&C AF after my 2nd D&C. People will say if you get pregnant after D&C that your lining has recovered enough and others say that you are more likely to miscarry if you don't wait for your lining to recover.

    It's really a crapshoot. I personally was NOT emotionally ready to try again right away. I'm 3 months post-D&C and I'm still NOT ready emotionally, but I'm 37 and so I don't get a lot of time. 

    Also, I'm pretty sure I ovulated 14 days after my first D&C based on my temping. My Dr didn't think it was very likely, but she did say it was possible. I think you can ovulate as soon as your HCG hits 5, if I'm remembering correctly. 
  • Thanks @chloe97.  I'm glad I'm not the only one that has felt this way.  Why do MCs make you so crazy?? Lol

    I was 9 weeks when I started to MC but baby never measured more than 6.  I bled too much too quickly so I ended up with an emergency D&C.  My doctor (who didn't do the surgery) said that since I bled so much before the D&C it was most likely very gentle.  Not sure that makes much difference.  

    I keep telling myself it's smarter to wait because I will blame myself for not being patient if I do MC again but I am also feeling hopeful and positive again and that is such a nice change of pace! I think feeling like I am ovulating now is making me feel hopeful and making me fantasize about a rainbow baby sooner rather than later.

  • Totally get that! @JessyKV I feel the same way about waiting. My Dr said no reason to wait more than 2 cycles. My friend is adament there is research showing egg quality is better if you wait 3 cycles (not sure where that's from). I promised myself that I'd wait for a cycle where my body felt great leading into ovulation, but of course I'm having terrible ovulation migraines this month. We only BD once, but it was well timed and it only takes one time. 

  • Alright so +OPK happened Thursday, this morning I got a slight temp rise and when I went to the bathroom I had a ton of EWCM. Wasn't I supposed to get the EWCM before the temp rise??

    Im sorta hoping I O'd last night because that would put our timing at -3, -1, 0 & +1 since we snuck in an early morning BD this morning for good measure. 

    A cpl more days of rising temps and I should officially be over in the TWW
    DH - 34, Me - 32
    Married 7/13
    TTC #1 since 10/13
    BFP 2/4/15, MC twin boys at 18w3d 5/15
    IUI #1 2/25/16

  • @SoonToBeMommaHowe Ok this is going to sound gross, but are your sure it's not leftover semen? The only reason I ask is that last cycle I was sure I was getting random EWCM in my luteal phase- which is very possible by the way- turns out when I looked at my chart both EWCM days were the day after BD. TCOYF has a good explanation about the difference between semen. 

    Or here's a good description

    Either way, it's totally not unusual to get EWCM during the LP, so I wouldn't worry too much about it if your temp spiked already.
  • Lol @chloe97, when it comes to this process what doesn't sound gross?  But that is a valid question however, sorry for the TMI, DHs "deposit" is always at the very least cloudy, but more typically whiteish. And usually comes out in like a blob, gross description, when I go to the bathroom or whatever after BD. This morning the mucous was clear and stretched the entire length of the TP (maybe 2-2.5 inches long). 

    Heres my chart, maybe today wasn't a true temp rise (it was the best nights sleep I've gotten all week) and today will actually be O day 
    DH - 34, Me - 32
    Married 7/13
    TTC #1 since 10/13
    BFP 2/4/15, MC twin boys at 18w3d 5/15
    IUI #1 2/25/16

  • PS @chloe97 remember when you commented about my low temps?? Well I think my diet and exercise changes are helping that! 2 cycles ago my lowest temp was 96.0, last cycle 96.3 and this cycle 96.5. Still lower than most women but trending in the right direction. 
    DH - 34, Me - 32
    Married 7/13
    TTC #1 since 10/13
    BFP 2/4/15, MC twin boys at 18w3d 5/15
    IUI #1 2/25/16

  • That's great @SoonToBeMommaHowe! Low temps can be a sign of estrogen dominance. I'm wondering if now that you're ovulating more regularly if the progesterone in your system is helping your temps rise. Im sure your diet and exercise is helping too!!

    Looking at your chart, I bet your o day was yesterday. Try putting in 2 more temps tomorrow and Monday that are similar to today and see what happens. 
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