Toddlers: 24 Months+

Tongue tie in older kids

DD2 is a little over 2 years old and I just noticed that she has a pretty good tongue tie. I BF when she was a baby and didn't have any issues but she has been having prounciaton issues and her tongue makes a w shape when she tries to stick it out (which isn't very far). I'm going to talk to her ped about when DD3 has her next baby appt in a few weeks. 

Anyone have experience with tongue ties in older kids and what I can expect as we get it evaluated. Did you end up getting it corrected or leaving it alone?

Re: Tongue tie in older kids

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    I do not have my own child that experienced this, but I work with young kids and know 2 who had tongue tie at 2 years old. They both also had speech problems. With tongue tie, she may not be able to say several sounds: t, d (both of which she should have by this age), l, and th, for example. Though she may not have l and th now just because of her age, if it's not corrected she may learn to say words with those sounds incorrectly and it will be harder later to unlearn the wrong way to say it. Both the kids I know had theirs corrected, and if your daughter has speech or feeding problems it's a good idea to correct it. I'm sure your doctor can give you more specific advice after getting a full history from you and doing an exam.
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