Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Fever chills and cough okay to be around my baby?

I was released from the hospital on sunday aug.7th and since then I've had fever and chills and am just now developing a bit of a cough. My fever hit 103 the night I got home so I took motrin like I had been in hospital and it seemed to help take it down to 101-99.1.....I had kept the fever at bay until today the 10th and it spiked back to 103 a little while ago...I'm going to call the doc tomorrow to get an appointment...but I'm worried I could make my baby sick too although I don't know what's really going on and my husband has had to work so I haven't been able to get much help from him so I've had to hold the baby alot.....had anyone experienced this after leaving the hospital? And I had tried to breast feed but quickly switched to formula.....could it be a clogged duct even though my boobs don't really hurt? They just get full until I can get a little time on the pump....anything helps please and thank you...

Re: Fever chills and cough okay to be around my baby?

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    A clogged duct wouldn't be your concern with a fever - it would be mastitis. You would have flu like symptoms, breast pain, and redness. It is nothing to mess with as it can turn to a really bad infection really fast so you definitely need to see a doctor ASAP if you suspect it. 

    It's obviously not ideal to be around such a young baby when you're sick, but what other options do you have? Just keep your hands clean and wear those disposable face masks if you're worried. If you're pumping, try giving breast milk in a bottle as it may help to give your baby some protection. 
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