TTC after 35

TWW June 20-26!

Tell us how many DPO you are, what you're doing/not doing this month, when/if you'll test, and symptoms that have you wondering if this is THE month! If you haven't already made a separate intro, please first do so in a separate discussion thread so we can get to know you! Good luck!
Me: 39 SO: 36

Dx: low progesterone, possible DOR - officially "unexplained"

TTC#1 since November 2015
9/16/2016 IUI#1 - BFN
10/12/2016 IUI#2 - BFN
1/21/2017 Clomid/IUI#3 - BFN
March 2017 IVF: BFP! (beta#1 191, beta#2 378!) - it's a boy! DS born 12/6/2017

TTC #2 since July 2018
May 2019 IVF #2: BFP! (beta#1 346, beta#2 646) - vanishing twin at 8 weeks. Baby B still going strong - due 2/8/20!
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