September 2015 Moms

Sleeping with stuffed animal?

hey! So my daughter has 2 animals she absolutely lovers to snuggle with or she will use as a pillow..I let her have them for naps and when she goes to bed at night but I alway take them out of her crib before I go to bed. I'm the freaked out mom always thinking the worst but I feel bad because I know she loves them and it's a security thing for her. So my question is do you let ur little ones sleep with something if not at what age do you plan to? Thank you!! 

Re: Sleeping with stuffed animal?

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    FatPonyFatPony member
    Oh yeah, it's fine. My guy sleeps with a stuffed moose but he doesn't really like it. I checked with his doctor at 7 months, and the doc said it was fine for him to sleep with a blanket to cuddle. LO prefers the blanket. 
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    xJKxORxJKxOR member
    We have a small blanket square with a stuffed animal attached to it that we started offering as a comfort object when we transitioned to the crib at 4 months. He absolutely loves it and I've even had to buy a back up. It stay in the crib all the time and we haven't had any concerns. 
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    One of my boys loves falling  asleep sucking on his blanket while hugging it. Neither has wanted a pacifier since 4.5months & this is how he soothes himself. My other just tuffs his face in the crib bumper. Theyve been fine & theyve been doing this maybe since 5.5 or 6 months.
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    I let LO sleep with a crocheted blanket and a soft giraffe rattle.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    tvistetviste member
    My daughter has had a blanket since 2 months and a stuffy since 6 months. Once she falls asleep, she usually lets go of her teddy ans rolls away from it
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    jen83mnjen83mn member
    My LO has a small 6x6 inch taggies blanket he sleeps with. We introduced it around 7 months and just leave it in his crib all the time so he has it for naps and nighttime. When he wakes up during the night, he'll usually find it and chew on it or cuddle it to get back to sleep. I purposely chose the small blanket as his "lovie" since it's easy to pack when we travel :)
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    Lo has a very small stuffed elephhant rattle that I put in with her for naps. I'm parinoid about giving her anything bigger. But I bought her a taggies blanket today with a stuffed animal attached to it. It's pretty small. I'm going to ask her Dr at her 9 month when she can start sleeping with it. 
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    We have a blanket with a fox face attached that he gets, and I usually cover him with a muslin blanket folded into a small square. That's only at bedtime though. Naps are on the living room pull out bed with me, but I've been propping him up with a big blanket under his head and around his back because he has some lingering congestion from a cold. 
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    My girl sleeps with a stuffed Disney princess and a blanket since she was able to turn over.
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    Mine sleeps with a blanket and my Dr said at his 4 month appointment that a lovey is fine as long as they are strong enough to move it away. Just make sure the stuffed animal doesn't have eyes that LO could pick off and choke on or anything else to pull off and eat. My LO has a polar bear with hat with a puff ball on top, I looked over and he had pulled off pieces of yarn and was eating them.
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    Little man has a few stuffed animals and a blanket in his crib. He snuggles on in particular its adorable. Oh he sleeps with the cat sometimes too! 
    Missed Miscarriage 3/27 D&C 3/29/2012
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    amp61470 that is so freaking cute!
    I'm trying to get my guy to fall in love with a lovey so he can self soothe in his crib. No luck so far! He hasn't become attached to anything yet and hates being in his crib. He loves his pacifier though so today I bought one of those stuffed toys that clips to a paci so he's sleeping with that tonight. Hope it works!
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    Jweber thanks. He is so sweet. Good luck with the paci stuffed toy! Mine loves his crib, we've been very lucky. 
    Missed Miscarriage 3/27 D&C 3/29/2012
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    My boy isn't attached to any one, so it's nice to be able to swap them out to wash them without throwing him off. He just like something soft (preferably furry) to hold while he sucks his thumb. Earlier today I knew it was nap time when he snuggled up with one of my slippers, haha
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    hlb8179hlb8179 member
    I checked with our ped at LO's nine month appointment today. He said it's fine as long as it's not small enough to choke on or big enough to get tangled in. 
    Married 6.21.2014
    DD #1: 8.16.2015
    #2 EDD: 1.13.2019
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