Cloth Diapering

Prefolds! Geffen vs. GMD

Hi all, totally new here! I am due in May with our first and will CD with prefolds and flats. I just recently heard about Geffen prefolds and was wondering if any of you had experience with them, specifically compared to GMD prefolds. I was totally set on GMD and then heard about Geffen and now am second-guessing.

Also, I was going to go ahead and put on our registry newborn, smalls, and medium prefolds but should I hold off on Mediums to make sure we like prefolds, like GMD, and figure out his size before I just assume they'll work? I liked the idea of our family pitching in for them while they're willing :P but I can wait if that's the smart thing to do.

Thanks ladies!

Re: Prefolds! Geffen vs. GMD

  • I know the search function can be hit or miss, but I do recall that one of the old regs had some great things to say about some of the Geffen products that she had, but I can't remember what exactly. So you could try searching old threads.

    If the search feature isn't working for you, you might have better luck looking for the old regs. For a clue, follow the white rabbit.
  • Yes to following the white rabbit to NJCD.

    Also consider Diaper Rite flats and prefolds - from Diaper Junction.  I have the medium and large prefolds and the large flats - all cotton but bamboo is an option too.  They're a small step down on quality as compared to GMD but a big step down on price. 

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  • Thanks ladies
  • I know you wanted someone to compare Geffen vs GMD and while I don't have experience with Geffen, we used GMD to cloth diaper 4 of our kids from day 1. I will highly recommend GMD for as long as they're around. Our most used diapers (the medium/red and Large/Brown) started falling apart by baby #4. But they got A LOT of use! Also, we bought them all at once. We bought the newborn, small, medium and large. Looking back we should have gotten some of the XL too for when our kids were potty trained but still wore a diaper at night.

    Mama to 4 kids: girl 2009, boy 2010, girl 2012, boy 2014

  • I bought all Geffen since I have time to build up my stash, but sorry I can't compare with gmd.  I have 32 nb (maybe get 4 more) 24 small, 18 med/large (need 6 more), and plan to get 18 large/xl.  I also have 6 nb geffen quick-absorb boosters, and plan to get 6-12 of each nb and regular, and possibly some fitteds for overnight if the prefold + booster + wool cover (and maybe even soft wrap) doesn't work out.  I also got 20 sweetpea nb aios to make it easier in the beginning for helper-caregivers, Gmas, nurses, friends, dh etc.  GL!
  • edited August 2016
    *Removed for TOU Violation*
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