Potty Training

serious! potty train help! so frustrated!!! so long!

My son who is 2.5, began very interested in the potty and going at 18m. So we played with the idea, let him try, and had some success!! But he was so not ready and I knew that. Well I'd say a few months after he turned 2, I noticed he was ready for real!! He at first only would poop in the potty! He told me he had to go and went! No big!!:) he didn't get the pee at all!!!! We tried outside as it was spring time, and he started getting it but it was too hard to stop And pee! The pull ups held pee. So I eliminated pull ups!!! As he over a 3-5 day period got the pee down pretty quick! He didn't want to poop anymore in the potty! So it began to fade over 2 weeks! As he mastered peeing! Nap time and over some nights too! Here he is going to turn 3, and still refuses to poop in the potty!!!! I've done, treats, toy rewards, trip to the fire station, he wanted a bike, got him a bike (after a full week of no poop accidents!!) Then he quit and I took the bike, still won't "earn" it back by pooping (day to day basis) Ive made him clean up, I've always pretty much just shrugged, and cleaned him/it up not a lot of words or attention. We went to see my parents this past weekend and he stopped playing and went poop on his own!! I gave him an m&m, and clapped as he shouted he pooped, we got back home. Pooped the second we walked in the door.... I don't know what to do! Im trying by refusing him pants and undies while at home! He won't go poo outside or out n about so I'm safe there! But its damn if I do damn if I don't. If I hoop n holler is pleasure to him, I say nothing its pleasure to him, and him cleaning it's awesome because he gets to play in water. yes I cut out all sugar, in fact 1cup of juice a day, and no sweets!!!! Ever!! He got them when he pooped or that was the goal! What do I do????

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    You need to back off. Don't bring it up. For real, give the kid a break. FTR, it's sad that you took his bike away :(

    My son JUST potty trained and he's 3.5. We've been trying for a year and a half. Once we stopped pushing and focusing on it, he potty trained himself. You've missed the window of opportunity so now you have to wait until he's ready. All the bribing, candy, nagging is just making it harder.

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