November 2014 Moms

MIL - Baby food

What is it with people wanting to feed other people's kids?  My 8 month old has been eating puree foods since 6.5 months.  My MIL has mentioned that she wants to buy a magic bullet and make food for Baby Girl.  As it is a nice thought, I already make my own purees for Baby Girl.  My MIL knows this.  I do not complain about make my own food as I enjoy doing it.  Because my family has some food allergies I am more cautious of what I have Baby Girl try.  I make sure to wait 3 days before introducing new foods to make sure there are not allergies. 

(I am not against store bought food as I have it for when we go out of town)

Why does she have to make this face when I say "thanks but I already make her food" and then talk in Cantonese to my FIL?  I assume she is saying something about me.  Ugh!
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