Babies: 6 - 9 Months

Feeling frustrated

Hi. I'm new to this part of the boards. My LO turned 6 months on June 3 and the first week was ok and now he's fussy and clingy nonstop and I can't get anything done without him wailing and screaming. I know he's teething and that's uncomfortable and I try to help when I can. But as soon as I hold him he stopes fussing....usually. Sometimes it just continues and I can't console him no matter what. And he will not go down for his third nap easily anymore. It's taking me up to an hour just to get him to sleep. This hour consists of crying, screaming, wailing, pick up-soothe-put down, rock, sing, check diapers, check hunger....I do everything I can to make sure he's not hurt or anything and it's just tiring me out day after day. If he doesn't go down for this nap, he goes to bed early by 1-2 hours and that is just hard for me because I and my husband both work and I'm the main caretaker (night feedings:me, day time watching: me when I'm off) basically everything baby falls on me so when he doesn't sleep and I have to work I'm dead.

Any moms have similar experiences with their 6mo? Or have any advice to get LO to fall asleep easier? I've also though he may not be tired so I take him out and we play but the whole time his face is heavy and he's yawning and I put him down again. I'm just at my wits end dealing with this for about a week now.

Re: Feeling frustrated

  • As anything with babies - it's a phase and it will pass. I would insist on making baby take that nap since he is clearly a mess without it. A little bit of fussing before nap is ok. I found with BOTH my kids that the more I went back to rock/pat/soothe them, the worse they got. They were being overstimulated and me going back in was just a tease. They would have a bigger meltdown when I would leave the room again.
    I would say - use pain reliever if he's in teething pain, darken the room and be consistent. And before you know it, it will pass too.
  • As anything with babies - it's a phase and it will pass. I would insist on making baby take that nap since he is clearly a mess without it. A little bit of fussing before nap is ok. I found with BOTH my kids that the more I went back to rock/pat/soothe them, the worse they got. They were being overstimulated and me going back in was just a tease. They would have a bigger meltdown when I would leave the room again. I would say - use pain reliever if he's in teething pain, darken the room and be consistent. And before you know it, it will pass too.

    ALL of this. Great advice.

    Don't try so hard. You'll find that simplifying works so much better.

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  • Well he's gotten better and I've stopped going in to check on him so much and only go if he's screaming now. My SO on the other hand thinks every time he whimpers he needs to be checked on. I tell him he's fine though. Difference between mom and dads when dad works a lot I suppose.

    Still having issues with the teething. They don't sell over the counter meds here for babies so I have to use whatever I have at home be it a thumb, finger, toy, blanket, etc. I'm going to the states next week so in going to pick up some OTC stuff while I'm there for stock :)
  • edited June 2015
    Check with your doctor about baby pain meds. Paracetamol is the most commonly used around the world. Here in the US it's in the form of Baby tylenol. Over in Switzerland they gave us paracetamol suppositories. We used then after vaccines if she had a fever or what not. Can't remember what form my sister uses.
    And yeah, every time we went home on leave I aways stocked up on baby stuff to bring back.
  • I heard that separation anxiety can peak at this time so maybe some of that is going on...? It'll pass just like anything else.
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