October 2015 Moms

Nausea with Zoloft

Started Zoloft today, and I'm aware that nausea is pretty normal for the first few weeks. I really don't like feeling so sick again! Anybody have any suggestions on how to take it so the nausea is limited? 

Re: Nausea with Zoloft

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    Hm that seems strange they started you on zoloft. I am on it but was on it for a year prior to pregnancy and lowered dosage when I got pregnant per NP recommend. I was never nauseous taking it, could be with the mix of pregnancy?
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    I didn't have nausea when I started, but I had other stomach issues. My doctor suggested taking it at night if I had uncomfortable symptoms during the day.
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    @christina4436 it's kind a 'benefits outweigh the risks' situation. severe antenatal depression. they have me on 50 mg a day, a beginner dose. I don't know if the nausea is a combination symptom, I was just warned it might happen, and lo and behold, it did. :(
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    Also to add: Zoloft is considered one of the safer SSRIs to take while pregnant. I am still on it with my doctor's blessing. It has done wonders for my depression. Best advice I got when starting it? Give it time and don't Google anything.. Just let it work, and call the doctor with questions. Hope your symptoms ease up soon!
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    katanasai said:

    @christina4436 it's kind a 'benefits outweigh the risks' situation. severe antenatal depression. they have me on 50 mg a day, a beginner dose. I don't know if the nausea is a combination symptom, I was just warned it might happen, and lo and behold, it did. :(

    :-( that stinks. But it really has helped with my anxiety. I used to have TMJ jaw pains and now can sleep without clenching. I have heard some people have nausea in the beginning but then said it got better. I'm sure the combo with pregnancy doesn't make it any better though! That's a good recommend to take it at night though. I did have one friend that had stomach issues and had to try something else, so yea may have that affect on some people. Good luck!
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    @leighann1 lol I've learned to never google anything health related!
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    katanasai said:

    @leighann1 lol I've learned to never google anything health related!

    Haha! Right, because WebMD will immediately make you think you have a rare cancer only found in sub-Saharan Africa. ;)
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    I started taking 25mg about 3 weeks ago. After I started it I began having "real" vomiting- not often but enough. It's kind of tapered off now and I only have any nausea if I don't eat the second I am hungry. I take it at night and that seems to help as well.
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    I do remember there being some nausea when starting Zoloft, but I believe it was pretty short-lived (a few weeks maybe). My doctor's recommendation was actually to take it right before bed so I would sleep through the nausea and I have been doing that ever since. It might be worth a try for you. Good luck! Zoloft has been really necessary for me and I'm very thankful that it exists :)
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