November 2014 Moms

does anyone's SO have trouble getting LO to sleep?

My LO is just over 6 months old and I have been a SAHM so far. In general I would also put her to bed every night but I'm going to be working nights and weekends soon so DH will have to do it. We have been doing trial nights for a while now but every single time she gets completely hysterical and won't sleep until I take over. Anyone else experience this and know how to fix it? DH is a very involved dad so she should be comfortable with him to get her to bed.

Re: does anyone's SO have trouble getting LO to sleep?

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    No experience but if he's going to have to do it soon then I would stop intervening. It might be rough a couple nights but your lo will get used to your dh putting her to sleep. It's better to get the hang of it now when you can be there then when your not.
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    My lo is a little over 6 months. We just started sleep training about two weeks ago. Before that he was sleeping in our room and waking every couple of hours. We finally made the move to his own room & own crib!

    Here's what worked for me. I feed him a bottle before he goes down. We put him in is halo sleepsack & rock him for a little until he is almost asleep. Then we gently set him in his crib & tell him goodnight.

    The first night was hard. He cried about 5 min before I went in & told him everything is ok & it's time for bed. We did that maybe 3 or 4 times every 5 minutes before he finally went to sleep on his own. It was really hard to hear him cry hysterically but after a little while he soothed himself. The second day was better. We went in maybe 2 or 3 times but he wasn't so upset. Each night got better and better. The first week was tough but now he's used to it (And I think he actually prefers it). He also isn't waking as much in the middle of the night. When he does we do the same thing.

    He has learned how to self soothe & I promise you, the work you do in the beginning pays off in the end! He also prefers me to his dad but after learning how to be by himself he does fine with either of us.

    Hope this helps! Good luck mama!
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    I have the same problem. Dad is super involved and hands on but when it comes to bed time, if she knows I'm home, she won't go to sleep for him. I usually have to hide or go straight to the other room when I get home from work at night. If she knows I'm home, there's no way she's going to bed for him lol
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