February 2015 Moms

Low milk supply/IGT

Hi ladies, anyone else experience low milk supply? I was diagnosed by a lactation consultant (Nurse practitioner) with Insufficient glandular tissue- basically I have very few milk ducts and am only making 4-5 mL of Breast milk.

Re: Low milk supply/IGT

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    How old is your baby?
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    1 month Tuesday
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    I was not diagnosed with this but my milk supply is very low. Even with my daughter nursing as often as she wanted. I only found out because after she gained her birth weight back after our first appointment she lost 11 oz at our second appointment. As an exclusive breast feeder this was alarming and I was advised to supplement with formula and pump as well as breast feed. During pumping I would lump for almost an hour and barely get an ounce.
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    Yes, we were told to breastfeed then supplement with pumped milk. She gained weight quickly and my milk supply increased thanks to the pumping between breast feeds.
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    Mothers Milk tea helped boost my milk supply with both my of my babies. You can get it from most any vitamin shop and it is caffeine free! =)
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    I have low supply as well. My son will be 4 weeks tomorrow and I have been trying everything to get my supply up. I would make sure you drink a ton of water and eat oatmeal daily. I also power pump once a day (pump 20 mins, off 10, on 10, off 10, on 10 for a total of one hour). I also take more milk special blend that I bought on Amazon and take Reglan 4x a day. With all the above I have been able to increase my supply by about 30%. I still wish I made more, but at least it seems to have helped.
    Also, there is a good private facebook group for exclusive pumpers that I have found helpful.
    Good luck!
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    mommysk26mommysk26 member
    edited March 2015
    When my milk supply got low I made sure to pump and pump and pump! Continue pumping even if nothing comes out right away. Pump and let baby nurse as often as (s)he wants even if it's only comfort nursing. Also try eating oatmeal everyday. Oatmeal definitely helped my milk supply!
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    hillgirl322hillgirl322 member
    edited March 2015
    I had great success with Fenugreek to increase my supply. 2 capsules 3 times a day. I saw an increase within 24 hours. I also pump after every other nursing session to completely empty both breasts.

    Good luck!
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    Thanks ladies! I did three weeks of power pumping with a medical grade pump 10-12x a day and took supplements to boost my milk supply. The most I got was 5-6 mL in a day. Can't fight genetics unfortunately. :( If anyone else experienced this we should talk. I had a hard time getting through it, but baby is thriving on formula.
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    This article really helped me through. Knowing someone else went through it was what I needed to hear. https://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/4410060
    Hope it helps any momma going through the same thing.
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    I had supply issues at first. My milk didn't even come in til the morning of day five. With pumping, fenugreek and lots of water I've slowly been able to get my supply up but still not enough that he's totally satisfied. But we had/have been supplementing since he was about 4 days old. Now he has nipple confusion and is refusing to latch. I'm still pumping but it's heart breaking not being able to fully meet his needs. I feel your pain. Big creepy Internet hug!
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    Hummus is another food that can build supply! Don't beat yourselves up ladies! You do all you can but in the end your babies will thrive on what works best for you. You are all amazing mamas and this stuff is tough! Know that tons of women go thru the same thing and rely on those around you to help build you up when you're feeling down. You made a human! That baby loves you no matter what he or she is eating!
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    I had great success with Domperidone. I tried fenugreek, more milk blend, mothers milk tea, and those all helped a little, but the Domperidone increased my supply significantly. You have to get a prescription and either order it from Canada or get it from a compounding pharmacy
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    @davimary GOod to know about the Domperidone. I have been on it for a week and am hoping for the best! THe fenugreek has not worked as far as I know!...My Little one will now latch on and stay for ages but as soon as he comes off the breast he is starving and i need to top him up with EBM/Formula...Hoping to get onto just breastfeeding...
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    JLu3JLu3 member
    I am having supply issues too. I drink the tea, eat the cookies, take the fenugreek and blessed thistle, demand feed for as long as she wants...and still need to supplement. I spoke to an LC on the phone and she told me not to pump because it takes milk away from baby...but everything else I read says to pump! For those that pump, did you find you'd get only 1-2oz out?
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    JLu3 said:

    I am having supply issues too. I drink the tea, eat the cookies, take the fenugreek and blessed thistle, demand feed for as long as she wants...and still need to supplement. I spoke to an LC on the phone and she told me not to pump because it takes milk away from baby...but everything else I read says to pump! For those that pump, did you find you'd get only 1-2oz out?

    I was told to pump for at least 5-10 minutes after every feeding from the breast to help increase supply. Fortunately, my husband takes the night feedings so I can sleep, so he uses my pumped milk with a bottle. When I pump after breast feedings, I usually get about 2oz. between both breasts. However, when I pump first thing in the morning and last thing in the evening, I usually get anywhere from 4oz.-6oz. with each of those.

    Now, mind you, before I started pumping at all, I was having supply issues. However, now that I pump in the mornings, after each feeding, and in the evening; I've noticed my supply has incresed by at least 200%. I am not taking any supplements, not eating any cookies, or drinking anything either; just pumping alone has incresed my supply by that much. We do give her about 2oz. of supplemental formula as her last feeding for the night, but it's only to increase the amount of time she sleeps before waking up for her first MOTN feeding. When it was just breast milk, we would get about 2-3 hours tops before she woke. Now that we give her a little formula before bed, she gives us anywhere from 3-6 hours before waking for a feeding.
    BabyFetus Ticker
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    @Jlu3 I get around 50-100ml (2-3oz) from both breasts each time I pump.I pump around every 3 hours.
    What does everyone else with low supply get?
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