August 2015 Moms

Microwave meals, canned foods

Ok, so I searched the forums and found tons of posts on microwaving bottles and stuff after baby is born, but very few about use during pregnancy. Sorry in advance if I missed one and am crowding the board with a repeat post! :)

Because of my nausea, I have not felt well enough to cook for awhile. I've been taking microwave meals with me to work that are organic and preservative free, like Amy's brand. But they still have a plastic steaming that harmful to the fetus? I stupidly convinced myself that a company who cared so much about making sure the foods were wholesome would care enough to make the containers safe as well, but now I'm not sure. 

I also heated up leftovers a couple times a week in "microwavable" plastic containers. Oops.  Are we all just being hyper-vigilant or are these things really dangerous, even just used sporadically?

Any word on canned foods? I've eaten canned fruit a few times and just read something about how it can be lined with toxic materials.

Down-to-earth moms to be (i.e. not anxious like me ;)) who can make me feel better or at least set me straight, THANKS in advance!!! :)

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