July 2015 Moms

Is this a reflection or a Penis?

I had an ultrasound done today. I am 16 weeks and 3 days pregnant. My doctors office didn't want to disclose the gender. The Ultrasound technician said that their office was only comfortable doing the anatomy scan at 20 weeks. She did print me some more pictures of the baby and I'm just wondering if this one may show Gender. I want a boy so bad but my Heart and Gut are telling me this is a girl. What do you think?

Re: Is this a reflection or a Penis?

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    Are u getting another scan at 20 weeks? I would say wait for then. Not being a doc or a tech I'm honestly not sure what I'm looking at.
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    It looks like a shot from the side. In order to tell the sex, you'd have to be able to see between the legs.
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    Google in-gender forums. They love to guess and from what I read they are mostly right! Hope you find someone that give you a clue of what you're having.
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    That's an odd spot for the penis , looks to high up but I'm no expert :) I think it's something else
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    I don't think you can tell from that photo

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    I have ultrasounds scheduled every two weeks because I am high risk. I found out at 16 weeks with my son so that's why I'm a little impatient. Lol. I guess I'll wait!
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    I'm no expert by any means, but it looks too difficult to even really try and guess from that pic. It's a beautiful US pic, though! A lot of places do tell gender beginning at 16 weeks so if you absolutely can't wait until the 20th week, I'd schedule for an elective scan at a place that will give you an answer.

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    ICan't tell

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    I agree it's hard to tell. That doesn't look like the right placement for a penis, though. JMO.
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    Google genital tubercle theory. If that is the tubercle, I would say girl based on the angle. But it may be part of the leg and not part of the genitals at all. There is no definite answer for this photo.
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    I'd wait until the sex of the baby can more accurately be determined - like during an anatomy scan or other ultrasound performed after 18 weeks.  Before then, the external genitalia isn't even fully developed to a point that U/S techs can consistently and accurately tell you the sex of the baby.

    https://forums.thebump.com/discussion/12525373/u-s-tech-was-wrong#latest is having a similar discussion right now (minus the ultrasound pics).
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    Obviously it's a boy , congrats
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    I didn't think that it was the right placement either. It looks like it could be the other leg to me. Who knows? My hubby was the one who said that he thinks it's a boy because two of the pictures had a nub in that exact same spot. I know he wants a girl and I feel like it is a girl. I'll be mind blown if it turns out to be a boy!
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    I'll play along, only because I really enjoy guessing based on nub theory. My guess would be girl because it looks like it is pointing down. I 



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    Doesn't look like a peen to me.
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    We aren't experts....
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    This is the pic the told us we were having a little boy with our first. Hope it helps you to compare! GL!
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    OMG, what is wrong with your baby???? It looks like a unicorn to me. But, you know, not being an ultrasound tech or anything I could be totally wrong. 
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    Omg it's totally a boy! Buy all the blue things and paint the nursery!
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