September 2014 Moms

Highly sensitive

My lg has recently become super sensitive when we are out with friends and family. Especially if hey want to hold her. Or even if it is an unfamiliar place. It seems it is just too much for her and she starts crying hysterically. Anyone else have this and have any tips? I am hoping it is just a phase.

Re: Highly sensitive

  • Ur baby could just not like change and is sensitive. Or autism has similar characteristics. Just keep an eye out and mention this to ur doc. Could just be normal but early detection of autism is best because u give them the best chance to cope with it.
  • My DD was like that starting at 3-4 months. She would cry hysterically if anyone beside me was holding her. This lasted until about 9 months.
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  • ashjfort said:
    Ur baby could just not like change and is sensitive. Or autism has similar characteristics. Just keep an eye out and mention this to ur doc. Could just be normal but early detection of autism is best because u give them the best chance to cope with it.
    This is a ridiculous response. Almost all babies go through attachment phases and stranger anxiety at some point. And as mentioned above, some babies are just shy by nature. There is certainly no reason to make the OP panic that something could be wrong over something that is completely normal.

  • @ashjfort‌ Holy overreaction batman!
  • My LO is going through this. She has started to cry around other people she doesn't see as often and clings to myself and her daddy.

    @ashjfort that's an insane response. There are many other signs of autism. I think OP is worried enough without you adding to it.
  • My nephew was diagnosed with autism at 18 months and he was a very social baby so I would not jump to that, like pp said every baby is different and some just take more time to adjust to new places and people.
  • ashjfort said:

    Ur baby could just not like change and is sensitive. Or autism has similar characteristics. Just keep an eye out and mention this to ur doc. Could just be normal but early detection of autism is best because u give them the best chance to cope with it.

    You can't be serious. Props to the ladies who handled all the ways this comment was absolutely unhelpful and completely asinine.


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