Babies on the Brain


Hello everyone! 

I've been a dirty lurker for about a year now, mostly over on TTGP and Baby Names, and am finally working up the courage to intro! My husband and I have been married for just over a year, and together over 6 years. We both have baby fever but are in agreement that it is not the right time for us, due to various reasons. If life allows, our current plan is for me to come off the pill in about a year and begin temping, and then begin to actively try during summer 2016.

Other info: I am 26 and have a BS from Indiana University. I dislike my current job and am currently seeking other employment. I love to cook, read, and I'm obviously a Gilmore Girls fanatic.  My husband is 28 and recently graduated from law school. He is still looking for a permanent associate position while working as a contract review attorney (the job market for recent law school graduates is oh so bleak at the moment).

I have read Taking Charge and know all about FF. I have really enjoyed lurking and soaking up knowledge from all of the boards, so I'm excited to finally participate and get to know everyone!
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