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That One Person

I've announced my pregnancy to my whole family, both of my jobs, and even a couple of strangers along the way. There's one person I really don't want to tell but know that I have to soon since I'm almost out of my first trimester: my boyfriend's mother/my landlord.
Yes, she's one person. My boyfriends parents own the house that we live in and I pay mothly rent to her.
Here's why I'm afraid:
1) she's kind of a control freak. She wants everything to follow some kind of script that only she has read.
2) the baby is not actually his. She will not respond well to this. He (the boyfriend) asked me if he could be baby's father because the biological father has decided he wants nothing to do with me/baby.

I didn't get to tell my parents in a fun/cute (Pinterest-y way, if you would), but I do want to do something creative for her and I'm simply drawing a blank. Has anyone got any suggestions?
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